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Community Organizations Other organizations (Projects Database)
Other organizations (Projects Database)
Other organizations (Projects Database)


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Other organizations funding or implementing with land governance projects which are included in Land Portal's Projects Database. A detailed list of these organizations will be provided here soon. They range from bilateral or multilateral donor agencies, national or international NGOs,  research organizations etc.



Displaying 1271 - 1275 of 2117

F.a: Adivasi Traditional Rights and Livelihood Promotion in two Districts of Odisha


The project will focus on Indigenous Community Socio Cultural Rights and Forest-based Sustainable Livelihood. Through this the main focus will be given on the follow-up of implementation of CFR (Community Forest Rights/Resources) under FRA (Forest Rights A ct) till all the villages have got their community rights over Community Forest Resources, including rights over the shifting cultivation area where Adivasis are practicing since long time. They will also ensure that their individual forest rights land as well as community boundary is properly identified and accepted by the community. Along with this, project will focus on the establishment of good relationship among the different Adivasi communities of other area in the district, state and other state and mutual learning of good traditional practices for their better life and livelihood. They will also ensure the sustainable practice of livelihood and its documentation. Time to time they will raise their current issues with other people in their Adivasi for ums and other different platforms, including submitting memorandum to Government Of Odisha and Government Of India and meeting with Government People.Seba Jagat has worked in the themes of adivasi forest and land rights, culture, village self-governance, a divasi women groups, promotion of sustainable minor forest produce utilisation and organic agriculture, and proper implementation of government social and employment support programmes. Devote Trust is founded by local adivasis in the beginning of 2000´s. Its basis of operations are the needs of local forest dependent communities, and it is working for realisation of a just, sustainable and democratic society. In its operational villages live Kondh adivasis, whose main source of livelihoods are agriculture , shifting cultivation and minor forest products. Most of the people are living below poverty lines and indebtedness is a big problem in their areas. Hard labour and malnutrition makes the people vulnerable to diseases like malaria, diarrhoea and other wat er-borne diseases.

Nepal Community Land Rights Project


This project aims to increase land poor, women and small farmers' access to lands and promote sustainable use of such lands ultimately to improve livelihoods and food security of target groups. It plans to achieve this aim by enhancing knowledge, skills and capacity of community members on land rights and land reform; improving participation in and effectiveness of community land governance; ensuring and increase land poor, women and small farmers' access to land (particularly fallow public and private lands) and promote their sustainable use; developing and implementing land and agrarian reform plan at community level. Daily office management of the project will be done by the Kathmandu based Land Rights Program Officer with 50% field visit. The project will be supervised by Policy and Advocacy Coordinator. The direct management in field level will be done by implementation partner, Community Self Reliance Center (CSRC). They will have one project coordinator in national level and two district officers in each working districts. The two district officers will work closely with 12 community facilitators (6 in each district).