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Thèmes / Dégradation et Régime des Terres

Dégradation et Régime des Terres

Un tiers des sols de la planète - y compris les terres agricoles, les forêts, les pâturages et les terrains urbains - sont déjà dégradés et on estime que ce chiffre pourrait atteindre près de 90 % d'ici 2050. D'une manière générale, l'érosion des sols est considérée comme l'enlèvement accéléré de la couche arable de la surface terrestre par 'eau, le vent ou les cultures, ce qui entraîne une dégradation des sols. En outre, la dégradation des sols comprend également la détérioration des propriétés biophysiques et chimiques du sol, de l'eau et de la biodiversité. La dégradation des sols se produit naturellement, mais les recherches montrent qu'elle est de plus en plus causée directement ou indirectement par des activités humaines non durables, notamment la déforestation, le surpâturage, l'exploitation minière ou l'agriculture intensive. Cela a entraîné la perte de biodiversité, la désertification et une augmentation significative des émissions de gaz à effet de serre.

Resources for Dégradation et Régime des Terres


Analyzing the Impacts of Eucalyptus and other ‘harmful’ Tree Plantations

Reports & Research
Décembre, 2023

This study focuses on evaluating the impacts of eucalyptus tree plantations and other tree species on various aspects such as agricultural production, water resources, soil nutrients, natural forests, and biodiversity in the Sidama National Regional State (SNRS) of Ethiopia. While eucalyptus plantations have been acknowledged for sustaining local livelihoods, concerns have arisen regarding their adverse effects on water quantity and quality, soil fertility, biodiversity, and crop productivity.

Statistical Data
Spatial Data

More on this issue

2 Juillet 2024
 Considérations Environnementales et Sociales (ESG) dans l’Administration des Terres pour un Développement Durable
20 Juin 2024
À l'occasion de la Journée mondiale de lutte contre la désertification, qui a lieu chaque année le 17 juin, le gouvernement du Ceará a organisé une journée intitulée « Ceará no Clima », en parallèle la Fondation du Ceará pour la météorologie et les ressources en eau (Funceme) et l’IRD ont mis en…
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Le parcours de l’Afrique vers une gouvernance foncière durable est caractérisé par les efforts collectifs des parties prenantes, notamment des institutions académiques, des organisations multilatérales et des organismes gouvernementaux. Récemment, le Réseau d’excellence sur la gouvernance foncière…


Novembre 2013 to Avril 2019

United States dollar

United States dollar
ISO 4217 code
Currency Symbol
Project duration:
Australian dollar

Ecosystem services in productive and protected land/seascapes conserved by improved land use and marine spatial planning policies and land/seascape level management in Gambia.

Project duration:
United States dollar


The programme will address the challenges of deforestation and peat land degradation through investments to increase transparency and accountability, building capacity for spatial (land-use) planning, and engaging and mobilising the private sector in support of sustainable economic development. It does this by focusing on overcoming the critical governance failures for the sustainable management of forests and land-use

Project duration:
United States dollar


World Bank Group


To reduce land degradation and improve land productivity in selected watersheds in targeted regions in Ethiopia, the project support several land tenure related acitivities. First, it supports the review, harmonization and revision of the legislative, policy and

Mars 2015 to Septembre 2020

United States dollar

United States dollar
ISO 4217 code
Currency Symbol
Project duration:
Australian dollar

Ecosystem services in productive and protected land/seascapes conserved by improved land use and marine spatial planning policies and land/seascape level management in Gambia.

Project duration:
United States dollar


The programme will address the challenges of deforestation and peat land degradation through investments to increase transparency and accountability, building capacity for spatial (land-use) planning, and engaging and mobilising the private sector in support of sustainable economic development. It does this by focusing on overcoming the critical governance failures for the sustainable management of forests and land-use

Project duration:
United States dollar


Government of the United Kingdom, Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office


The programme will address the challenges of deforestation and peat land degradation through investments to increase transparency and accountability, building capacity for spatial (land-use) planning, and engaging and mobilising the private sector in support of

Octobre 2022

Australian dollar

Australian dollar
ISO 4217 code
Currency Symbol
Project duration:
Australian dollar

Ecosystem services in productive and protected land/seascapes conserved by improved land use and marine spatial planning policies and land/seascape level management in Gambia.

Project duration:
United States dollar


The programme will address the challenges of deforestation and peat land degradation through investments to increase transparency and accountability, building capacity for spatial (land-use) planning, and engaging and mobilising the private sector in support of sustainable economic development. It does this by focusing on overcoming the critical governance failures for the sustainable management of forests and land-use

Project duration:
United States dollar



Ecosystem services in productive and protected land/seascapes conserved by improved land use and marine spatial planning policies and land/seascape level management in Gambia.

Novembre 2013 to Avril 2019

United States dollar

United States dollar
ISO 4217 code
Currency Symbol
Project duration:
Australian dollar

Ecosystem services in productive and protected land/seascapes conserved by improved land use and marine spatial planning policies and land/seascape level management in Gambia.

Project duration:
United States dollar


The programme will address the challenges of deforestation and peat land degradation through investments to increase transparency and accountability, building capacity for spatial (land-use) planning, and engaging and mobilising the private sector in support of sustainable economic development. It does this by focusing on overcoming the critical governance failures for the sustainable management of forests and land-use

Project duration:
United States dollar


World Bank Group


To reduce land degradation and improve land productivity in selected watersheds in targeted regions in Ethiopia, the project support several land tenure related acitivities. First, it supports the review, harmonization and revision of the legislative, policy and

Mars 2015 to Septembre 2020

United States dollar

United States dollar
ISO 4217 code
Currency Symbol
Project duration:
Australian dollar

Ecosystem services in productive and protected land/seascapes conserved by improved land use and marine spatial planning policies and land/seascape level management in Gambia.

Project duration:
United States dollar


The programme will address the challenges of deforestation and peat land degradation through investments to increase transparency and accountability, building capacity for spatial (land-use) planning, and engaging and mobilising the private sector in support of sustainable economic development. It does this by focusing on overcoming the critical governance failures for the sustainable management of forests and land-use

Project duration:
United States dollar


Government of the United Kingdom, Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office


The programme will address the challenges of deforestation and peat land degradation through investments to increase transparency and accountability, building capacity for spatial (land-use) planning, and engaging and mobilising the private sector in support of

Octobre 2022

Australian dollar

Australian dollar
ISO 4217 code
Currency Symbol
Project duration:
Australian dollar

Ecosystem services in productive and protected land/seascapes conserved by improved land use and marine spatial planning policies and land/seascape level management in Gambia.

Project duration:
United States dollar


The programme will address the challenges of deforestation and peat land degradation through investments to increase transparency and accountability, building capacity for spatial (land-use) planning, and engaging and mobilising the private sector in support of sustainable economic development. It does this by focusing on overcoming the critical governance failures for the sustainable management of forests and land-use

Project duration:
United States dollar



Ecosystem services in productive and protected land/seascapes conserved by improved land use and marine spatial planning policies and land/seascape level management in Gambia.

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05 Septembre 2023
Par Odgerel, championne du genre et du foncier, projet WOLTS Mongolie   Je suis éleveur en Mongolie depuis 30 ans et ma vie, comme celle de tous les autres éleveurs, dépend de bons pâturages. Mais nos terres sont confrontées à un problème croissant de dégradation des pâturages. Cela est dû à l'…
11 Mars 2024
Photo: © Alexis Rosenfeld / FFEM (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 DEED) À mesure que les impacts du changement climatique s’intensifient, il est essentiel de comprendre si l’humanité est sur la bonne voie pour s’adapter ou sur la voie d’une augmentation des niveaux de risque. Cela soulève de nombreux défis,…