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Il est créé au sein du ministère de l'équipement, de l'habitat et de l'aménagement du territoire une unité de gestion par objectifs pour le suivi du projet de protection contre les inondations des zones Nord et Est du Grand Tunis placée sous l'autorité du directeur de l'…


This Regulation implements provisions of the Oromia Regional Rural Land Administration and Use Proclamation with respect to the rights and obligations of rural land administration and use in transparent and responsible manner. The Regulation, among other things, provides with respect to:…


This Decree approves the Regulation of Land Act; right of use and conditions for exploiting public lands. It consists of 16 chapters and 2 annexes divided as follows: Definition of different lands and land uses (Chap. 1); Requirements for obtaining land use authorization (2); Competencies of…


The Reconstruction and Development Corporation is established as a body corporate under section 1. The Corporation shall cooperate with local authorities in development planning and in particular shall draft and keep under review plans for the whole or part of the reconstruction area, declared…


La présente loi fixe des dispositions dérogatoires concernant les procédures de changement de vocation des terres agricoles et de déclassement des terrains relevant du domaine forestier de l’Etat ainsi que de l’aménagement, des lotissements, des permis de bâtir et de l’urbanisation des terrains…


Le présent décret, en application des dispositions de l’article 74 de la loi n° 034-2009/ AN du 16 juin 2009 portant foncier rural, détermine les règles de la constatation de la non mise en valeur des terres rurales acquises à des fins d’exploitation à but lucratif et fixe les taux et modalités…


La présente loi porte Code de l'urbanisme, et harmonise les dispositions du précédent Code avec celles de la loi n° 96-07 du 22 mars 1996 portant transfert de compétences aux régions, communes et communautés rurales a consacré en matière d’urbanisme le transfert de certaines compétences qui…


This Act establishes a system of integrated coastal and estuarine management in South Africa. The Act provides, within the framework of the National Environmental Management Act, for the coordinated and integrated management of the coastal zone by all spheres of government in accordance with the…


This Ministerial Resolution Law is composed of 15 articles. Article 1 prohibits the establishment of buildings, facilities or the division of lands outside boundaries of urban cordons approved for villages and cities, with the exception of projects for agricultural production and livestock, as…


This Act stipulates that the fund established in terms of section 3 of the African Development Fund Act shall, on and after the fixed date, continue in existence and shall be known as the District Development Fund. The trustee of the Fund shall be the Minister of Local Government, Rural and…


This Act provides for the granting of various rights relative to prospecting and mining of minerals, for environmental obligations related to mining operations and other duties of persons carrying out mining operations, and control of mining operations. “Minerals” is defined so as to exclude…


This Act establishes the National Museums of Kenya as a body corporate and provides for the protection of national natural and cultural heritage (as defined). The National Museums of Kenya shall, among other things, identify, protect, conserve and transmit the cultural and natural heritage of…