Continued interest in LAND-at-scale during COVID-19 crisis | Land Portal

The LAND-at-scale programme got a great response to the second call for ideas. The programme received 25 new ideas from 19 different countries. Support continues for enhancing land governance and tenure security. This is evident in the response and effort from embassies, NGOs and knowledge institutes.

Current LAND-at-scale portfolio status

In October 2019, approval was given to 13 promising ideas. LAND-at-scale has been working closely with embassies, knowledge institutes and NGOs to transform these ideas into land governance projects.

The LAND-at-scale portfolio covers a broad range of issues related to land. These include gender, climate resilience and land administration. LAND-at-scale also looks at land governance in various settings, such as urban or rural areas, or in conflict and post-conflict settings. The programme is now active in 17 countries. These are Burkina Faso, Burundi, Chad, Colombia, Egypt, Ethiopia, Ghana, Iran, Mali, Mozambique, Palestine Territories, Rwanda, Somalia, South Sudan, Uganda, Vietnam and Zimbabwe.

In the projects, knowledge management is essential. This is because it helps in understanding how and when land governance approaches are successful. The knowledge management part of the programme helps ensure the effects of land governance interventions can be scaled to more countries and communities.

Looking ahead 

The LAND-at-scale portfolio has grown geographically and in theme in the last few months, even with the COVID-19 crisis going on. The new ideas from the second round are now being reviewed and ranked by the LAND-at-scale committee in close collaboration with embassies. This means that the portfolio might grow even more in June.

The LAND-at-scale programme is working hard to reduce the effects of COVID-19 on the programme activities, together with its embassies, the LAND-at-scale committee and other partner institutions. We are committed to avoiding too many delays. However, the health and safety of our partners come first. We are following global and local events closely.

Stay informed on the status of the LAND-at-scale programme via the LAND-at-scale programme page.

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