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Displaying 641 - 650 of 6947Achieving Land Degradation Neutrality Targets of Georgia through Restoration and Sustainable Management of Deg
Support the national efforts to implement LDN targets of Georgia through restoration and sustainable management of the degraded pasturelands (National Targets 1 and 4)
Note: Disbursement data provided is cumulative and covers disbursement made by the project Agency.
Target Groups
Describe the socioeconomic benefits to be delivered by the project at the national and local levels, as appropriate. How do these benefits translate in supporting the achievement of global environment benefits (GEF Trust Fund) or adaptation benefits (LDCF/SCCF)? Please also explain explain how the project promotes full and productive employment and decent work in rural areas, aiming at the progressive realization of their right to Decent Rural Employment [1]. Grazing lands in Georgia provide forage for beef cattle, dairy cattle, sheep, goats, horses and other types of domestic livestock, but also carry other important ecosystem functions. Conservation values of these lands are extensive and provide many essential ecosystem services, such as clean water, wildlife habitat, and recreational opportunities. Scenic, cultural, and historic values of these lands provide not only economic benefits, but also quality of life values cherished by many people. The proposed project will provide global environmental and socio-economic benefits in the form of the following benefits: Environmental/Biophysical · Effective Land Degradation Neutrality system in place · Healthy, productive pasturelands (747 ha restored and 20,000 ha under SLM) · Increased CO2 sequestration in pasturelands Socio-economic · Improved livestock value chains · Improved food & nutritional security · Improved livelihoods · Reduced risk (natural disasters, market volatility, access to information and finance) · Improved access to finance for small scale livestock owners · Gender equality [1] Specific guidance on how FAO can promote the Four Pillars of Decent Work in rural areas is provided in the Quick reference for addressing decent rural employment (as well as in the full corresponding Guidance document). For more information on FAO’s work on decent rural employment and related guidance materials please consult the FAO thematic website at:
Not Applicable
Kenya II Threshold - Land Management For Investment Projects - Non-allocated Funds Activity: Due Diligence funding is used to obtain sufficient information to evaluate, assess and appraise projects during program development, effectively oversee and monitor program implementation, conduct quality assurance, and then evaluate the results of the project once complete.
Land Management For Investment Projects
Kenya II Threshold - Land Management For Investment Projects: Due Diligence funding is used to obtain sufficient information to evaluate, assess and appraise projects during program development, effectively oversee and monitor program implementation, conduct quality assurance, and then evaluate the results of the project once complete.
Land Access and Management Activity
Indonesia - Green Prosperity Project - Land Access and Management Activity: The purpose of the Participatory Land Use Planning Activity is to ensure that projects funded by the GP Facility are designed on the basis of accurate and appropriate spatial and land use data and adhere to and reinforce existing national laws, regulations and Plans. The Participatory Land Use Planning Activity also will help strengthen the capacity of local communities and district level institutions to manage their own land and resources.
Green Prosperity Project
Indonesia - Green Prosperity Project: This project will provide technical and financial assistance for projects in renewable energy and natural resource management to raise rural household incomes, and is expected to reduce reliance on fossil fuels, improve land management practices, protect natural capital, and complement efforts to reduce emissions from deforestation and environmental degradation.
RCN/Abunzi Preparatory Phase
The contribution for the preparatory phase support to RCN Justice et Democratie to prepare the implementation of 'Improving the Management of Land by strengthening the Prevention and Resolution of Land Conflicts' (ILPRC)
Supportive VUP - Berglund
This study aims to highlight the effects and perception of the two, in part, Sida-funded programs for the implementation of land registration and social protection respectively. The study is based on an inductive anthropological approach
The resilience and sustainability of soil microbial functions to climate change induced-drought in Ethiopia
Climate change will cause extreme fluctuations in precipitation and temperatures generating intense drought and rainfall events. This will affect the functioning of most ecosystems, but the most severely affected include the world’s poorest and food security challenged nations, including Ethiopia. Microorganisms control decomposition of organic matter (OM), and dominate the terrestrial contribution to the global carbon (C) cycle. Water availability is a decisive regulator of microbial processes, but they also depend on C-availability, creating a strong feedback with plants. We will investigate how microbial processes are influenced by changes in water availability across a gradient from cool moist to hot arid Ecosystems in Ethiopia. We will evaluate the effect of different land-uses and field experimental drought on the resilience of microbial functions. Insights will be included in ecosystem models, and used to guide land-use policy in Ethiopia. The aims are: 1. Defining the microbial moisture dependence, and the resilience of the microbial functions to rewetting a soil. 2. Determining both long-term (gradient across Ethiopia) and short-term (within site field-experiments) legacy effects of drought and dry-wet cycles on 1. 3. Disentangling the relative influence of the soil microbial community and land-use on 1. 4. Distinguishing how land-use, restoration of degraded soils, and plant material additions can affect the microbial resilience to drought and variable moisture.
Provision of Emergency NFI and Shelter to the people displaced by drought and conflict in Merka district, L
The project will involve the distribution of 800 NFI kits to 800 people displaced by repeated conflict and drought in Merka Lower Shabelle region, beneficiaries will be targeted based on vulnerability criteria that will prioritize women headed households, the elderly and children headed households especially girls. The beneficiaries will be distributed equally with each benificiary getting NFI kit comprising 2Blanket, 1 Sleeping mat, 3 Soap bar, 1Kitchen knife, 2Cooking pots,1 Large spoon , 5Table spoon, 5Plates and 5 Metal. AYUUB will closely coordinate with Other Agencies distributing NFI's in the areas and start the project implementation with community consultations and coordination with Local Authority to identify vulnerable people displaced by the drought. This will include consultations with local authorities, community elders and host communities to identify and register the most vulnerable people for NFIs support. The project implementation will involve the following activities: 1. Market analysis: AYUUB will carry out two market analysis to determine the appropriate modality of the NFIs distribution 2. Beneficiaries registration: AYUUB will hold consultations with community members to jointly determine the targeting criteria, identify the most vulnerable and register beneficiaries for the NFIs and Shelter. AYUUB will prioritize the Most vulnerable people in the Targeted area . AYUUB will also target host communities to ensure that other vulnerable people within thetarget locations are also assisted based on needs and also avoid conflict between the host community and displaced people. 3. NFIs Throug In Kind distribution: AYUUB will distribute NFIs through in Kind distribution to 800 households (5200 people) who include 1200 women, 1100 men, 1600 girls, 1300 boys. The age and gender disaggregation is based on the demographic profile in Somalia and prioritization of women and girls who are the most affected by displacements. The actual gender and age breakdown will be reported once beneficiary registration is completed. AYUUB will promote the dignity of the beneficiaries by placing the decision of the content of priority NFIs in their best interests. The approach will empower displaced people in prioritizing needs and give them the power of making decisions for their needs. 4. AYUUB Will Construct 800 ESK emergency Shelter to 800 HH in Merka district and will be distributed to the same IDP HH received NFI Kits and Provide 800 Solar Lumps to 800 HH. 5. Post distribution monitoring: Each distribution will be followed with a post distribution monitoring toget feedback on the distribution process and utilization of the NFIs kits, one month after distribution. 6. AYUUB Will do Community consultations and Meetings to for the respective Communities from the Five IDP Settlements to support community consultations at the initial beneficiary identification and registration, and secure land tenure mainstreaming. 7. AYUUB will carry out settlement layouts and planning of settlements on leaving adequate spaces for necessary infrastructures including individual plot sizes, roads, WASH facilities, fire places. 8. AYUUB Will provide cash assistant Support for Construction of Shelter Kits to the targeted Communities and Will be trained 20 Community Manson’ on Basic construction of ESK (Emergency Shelter Kit)
Making Women Access to Land & property
Overall objective To strengthen the WLRM to promote women’s land rights in Uganda. Specific Objectives; 1. To build the capacity of the WLRM on movement building, transformative leadership, feminism, grassroots organizing and sustainability 2. To provide a platform for consensus building, joint advocacy, accountability and amplification of voices for women’s land rights Outcomes 1. Capacity of the WLRM strengthened 2. Platform created for women to voice their issues 3. Increased awareness of the legal and policy frameworks on WLRs. Planned Activities 1. Training of grassroots women leaders and members of their organizations on transformative leadership for women’s land and natural resource rights is carried out. 2. Training CSO(Women Land rights Movement) on gender and power relations training 3. Undertake campaigns led by grassroots and indigenous women to secure land rights are linked with global campaigns addressing land inequality, land rights of indigenous communities and climatechange. 4. Organize platforms for grassroots women to amplify their voice and participate in key decision-making spaces, such as the CEDAW in side-events or related activities alongside these spaces.