Elizabeth Daley | Land Portal


Independent consultant working on land, natural resources and gender, with experience on key policy issues around land tenure reform, governance of tenure, large-scale land investments, gender equity in resource governance and management, women's land rights, and tenure in non-agricultural rural contexts including pastoralism and extractives. Leading Mokoro's Women's Land Tenure Security (WOLTS) Project since 2015. Country experience includes (field) Laos, Mongolia, Mozambique, Nigeria, Rwanda, South Sudan, Tanzania, Uganda, and (desk-based) Cambodia, Indonesia, Myanmar, Nepal and Vietnam. Experience includes drafting of technical guidelines, and subsequent capacity building and training work, on gender and responsible governance of land tenure to support the implementation of the VGGTs;  developing and leading gender and land training in the Mekong Region; field research on large land-based investments in agriculture in Laos and Tanzania; a mid-term evaluation of a pioneering women’s land rights and legal empowerment project in Mozambique; strategic advice on systematic land registration pilots in Nigeria; and extended work on land tenure regularisation, land disputes, and land use planning in Rwanda. Tweeting on @daleyliz

Interests: Land Tenure and Gender



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