Tanzania | Land Portal

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Land Grabbing in Uganda
29 Marzo 2022

El International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED) y el Land Portal lanzan una nueva serie de blogs sobre la gobernanza de las inversiones basadas en la tierra en el Sur Global. La serie explorará estrategias y enfoques prácticos adoptados por los defensores de los derechos y otros para abordar los desafíos comunes que rodean a estas inversiones.





Tanzania Online is a gateway to information on development issues in Tanzania. It is an initiative to address problems faced by Government officials, policy makers, private sector, civil society, donor community, researchers and academicians accessing information on development issues in Tanzania. Initial funding of the initiative was provided by the UN System (through a Swedish Grant) and the Tanzanian Government. ESRF was selected to implement it


The Economic and Social Research Foundation was established in 1994 as an independent, not-for-profit institution for research and policy analysis.

The formation of ESRF was based on the assumption that there was need and demand for an improved understanding of policy options and development management issues, and that the capacity for this was lacking in the Tanzania civil service.

ESRF addressed this gap by putting into place qualified Professional Staff, modest resources and a favourable research environment for the analysis and discussion of economic and social policy.

The Southern African Legal Information Institute (SAFLII) is an online repository of legal information from South Africa that aims to promote the rule of law and judicial accountability by publishing legal material for open access in line with the objectives of the global Free Access to Law Movement.

Commonwealth Forestry Association logo

What we do

We are reminded on a daily basis that the natural environment in which we live is vitally important for our well-being, whether it is in the form of climate change, global warming, declining fertility or dwindling natural resources.

Le Centre regroupe les chercheurs de l’Institut de politique et de gestion du développement (IOB) qui orientent tout ou une grande partie de leur recherche sur la région des grands lacs. Le Centre privilégie l’étude de développements contemporains dans les domaines politique, économique et social. Il publie chaque année un Annuaire.  La documentation extensive du Centre est incorporée dans la bibliothèque de l’IOB.

Resource Equity

Resource Equity is a women-run and women-centered nonprofit organization that focuses exclusively on legal issues specific to gender equity in land and natural resources around the world.


The Ministry of Lands, Housing and Human Settlements Development has been mandated to administer land and human settlement in Tanzania. It provides various land related services to individuals and institutions in the country, and provides advice to government and the public on matters pertaining to human settlements development

Resource Conflict Institute (RECONCILE) is a regional policy research and advocacy NGO registered in Kenya and implementing programmes in Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania.

The Rift Valley Institute (RVI) is an independent, non-profit organization, founded in Sudan in 2001, currently working in seven countries in Eastern and Central Africa. The aim of the Institute is to advance useful knowledge of the region and its diverse communities, bringing a better understanding of local realities to bear on social and political action. The RVI works with institutions in the region to develop and implement long-term programmes that combine action-oriented research with education and public information.


Some of East Africa's most traditional pastoralist and hunter-gatherer communities are currently at great risk of loosing their land and resources due to progressive land encroachment and lack of representation in modern Tanzania. 

​UCRT works to empower marginalised people in the rangelands of northern Tanzania to secure rights to their natural resources and land. 

UCRT helps these communities by representing their land rights, advocating on their behalf to local and national government, and  securing legal ownership of their traditional lands.

Cover photo

The Journal of Land Administration in Eastern Africa (JLAEA) is publication of the Land Administration Unit that was set up at ARU in November 2009. JLAEA mirrors the aspirations of the Land Administration Unit at Ardhi University (ARU) whose mission is to ensure quality education and training, research, scientific publications, information dissemination, documentation and public services through integrated cross disciplinary team work in land administration.

Mtandao wa Vikundi vya Wakulima Tanzania (MVIWATA) is a national farmers organisation which brings together small holder farmers from all regions of Tanzania in order to have a common voice to defend economic, social, cultural and political interests of smallholder farmers. Founded in 1993, MVIWATA aspires to empower smallholder economically and socially farmers through capacity building and undertake lobbying and advocacy especially by strengthening their groups and networks, facilitating communication and learning so that they are capable of defending their interests.

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