University of Zambia
To be a Provider of World Class Services in Higher Education and Knowledge Generation
To Provide Relevant Higher Education Through Teaching, Research and Community Service
Management Philosophy
The University will embrace a participatory management style that will motivate employees, provide a work environment that is conducive to high productivity, teamwork in which leadership is by example, provide effective communication and guidance, which will be accessible to all, and promote individual growth.
Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean
La Comisión Económica para América Latina (CEPAL) fue establecida por la resolución 106 (VI) del Consejo Económico y Social, del 25 de febrero de 1948, y comenzó a funcionar ese mismo año. En su resolución 1984/67, del 27 de julio de 1984, el Consejo decidió que la Comisión pasara a llamarse Comisión Económica para América Latina y el Caribe.
Belize Social Investment Fund
"The Belize Social Investment (BS"IF) was incorporated in 1996 as a Statutory Body through the Belize Social Investment Fund Act. According to the Act, “The Fund shall, subject to the availability of resources, approve projects and programmes and provide, either wholly or partially, financial and technical assistance to community groups with development goals, and local government organizations, for the execution of such projects or programmes which will serve to provide basic services to the most severely affected groups in the country.”"
Instituto de Estudos Sociais e Económicos
O IESE é uma organização moçambicana independente e sem fins lucrativos, que realiza e promove investigação científica interdisciplinar sobre problemáticas do desenvolvimento social e económico em Moçambique e na África Austral.
Tematicamente, a actividade científica do IESE contribui para a análise da política pública e social e da governação, com enfoque nas problemáticas de pobreza, política e planeamento público, cidadania, participação política, governação e contexto internacional do desenvolvimento em Moçambique.
Instituto de Estudos Estratégicos
O INEST é um centro de formação e pesquisa voltado para a análise das questões estratégicas relativas à Defesa Nacional e à Segurança Internacional. Tem como objetivo desenvolver e consolidar o pensamento brasileiro na área, formando recursos humanos graduados e pós-graduados na área dos Estudos Estratégicos e das Relações Internacionais. O mandato de seus debates e reflexões é global. É uma instituição, em todos os sentidos, não partidária e plural.
Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária
A Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária (Embrapa) foi criada em 26 de abril de 1973 e é vinculada ao Ministério da Agricultura, Pecuária e Abastecimento (Mapa). Desde a nossa criação, assumimos um desafio: desenvolver, em conjunto com nossos parceiros do Sistema Nacional de Pesquisa Agropecuária (SNPA), um modelo de agricultura e pecuária tropical genuinamente brasileiro, superando as barreiras que limitavam a produção de alimentos, fibras e energia no nosso País.
United States Institute of Peace
The United States Institute of Peace is an independent national institute, founded by Congress and dedicated to the proposition that a world without violent conflict is possible, practical, and essential for U.S. and global security. USIP pursues this vision on the ground in conflict zones, working with local partners to prevent conflicts from turning to bloodshed and to end it when they do. The Institute provides training, analysis, and other resources to people, organizations, and governments working to build peace.
Eastern Africa Social Science Research Review
The Eastern Africa Social Science Research Review (EASSRR) is a bi-annual journal published by the Organization for Social Science Research in Eastern Africa (OSSREA). Since the publication of its maiden issue in January 1985, the EASSRR has been serving as a regional forum for reflective thinking and critical discourse on the economic, political, and social aspects as well as development issues of the countries and sub-regions within the Eastern and Southern African Region
International Knowledge Sharing Platform
The IISTE is an IT firm delivering IT supports to education professionals and research institute around world.
Mission statement of IISTE
“Accelerating Global Knowledge Creation and Sharing”.
In partnership government, community organizations, and education related foundations, IISTE offers a variety of programs and activities to promote education development, international collaboration, including