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Soil Water Conservation Programs - Article 5 of Chapter 63 of Title 5 CGA “Fish, Game, Forestry Conservation”.


This part of Chapter 63 provides for the establishment of Soil and Water Conservation Districts for purposes of promoting soil and water conservation and preventing of erosion-related and water management-related problems. It also defines the powers and duties of Districts and provides for their management.Two Soil and Water Conservation Districts shall be created under the Department of Agriculture.

Water Statute, 1995 (Statute No. 9 of 1995).

Afrique orientale

The text of the Statute consists of 108 sections divided into 4 Parts: Preliminary (I); Water Resources (II); Water Supply and Sewerage (III); General Miscellaneous (IV).Sections of Part II and Part III are divided into 14 Divisions: Rights in Water and Water Administration (1); Water Resources Planning (2); Hydraulic Works and Uses of Water (3); Revision, Variation and Cancellation of Water Permits (4); Waste Discharge Permits (5); Miscellaneous Provisions for Part II (6); Water and Sewerage Areas and Authorities, and User Groups and Associations (7); Water Supply (8); Public and Private S

Presidential Decree No. 1152 - Philippine Environment Code.

Asia du sud-est

This Act makes provision for the protection of the environment of a broad sense. Its provisions are divided into Titles, the major part of them dealing with specific aspects of environment protection.Title I makes provision with respect to air and noise pollution.Purpose Title II to prescribe management guidelines aimed to protect and improve the quality of Philippine water resources.

Act No. 183 concerning the organizational and functional restructuring of land conservation.

Europe méridionale

Despite its title, this landmark statute provides the mechanisms for the implementation of a policy of integrated management of land and allied water resources, primarily in a non-urban context, and the institutional arrangements needed to administer and operate such mechanisms (sect. 1). It was enacted largely in response to the state of divided and compartmentalized responsibilities of the central, regional, and local governments in the management of the above-mentioned natural resources.

Ley Agraria, 1992.

Amérique centrale

El comisariado ejidal es el órgano encargado de la ejecución de los acuerdos de la asamblea, así como de la representación y gestión administrativa del ejido (art. 32). Como órgano de participación de la comunidad podrá constituirse en cada ejido una junta de pobladores, integrada por los ejidatarios y avecindados del núcleo de población, la que podrá hacer propuestas sobre cuestiones relacionadas con el poblado, sus servicios públicos y los trabajos comunitarios del asentamiento humano (art. 41).

Act to amend the Fisheries Act (No. 562 of 1995).

Europe septentrionale

The amendments of the present Act concern land survey procedures in accordance with the recently enacted Real Property Formation Act (554/95) for various kinds of water areas to which provisions of the Fisheries Act apply. Borders of fish protection areas shall be established by a certified engineer at the request of Fisheries Area Offices (sect. 45). Section 55 provides for the designation by the Land Survey Office of the part in a water area of members in Fisheries Associations in accordance with section 101 of Act 554 of 1995.

Local Government Act, 1993 (No. 462).

Afrique occidentale

This Act makes provision for the administration of districts, i.e. an area under the authority of a district assembly, a municipality or metropolis. Existing districts shall continue as districts for the purposes of this Act and new districts may be declared by the President by Executive Instrument.The Minister shall establish for each district, municipality or metropolis existing or created under this Act a District Assembly. The Act defines functions and powers of District Assemblies and provides rules for their functioning.

Mountain Catchment Areas Act.

Afrique du Sud
Afrique australe

This Act makes provision for the conservation, use, management and control of land situated in mountain catchment areas. "Mountain catchment area" means any area declared by the Minister or competent authorities of provinces under section 2 to be a mountain catchment area.

Land Conservation and Improvement Act.


The Act makes provisions for the conservation and improvement of the land and water resources. It establishes the Land Conservation Board (sect. 3) to exercise general supervision over land and water resources (sect. 5a) and to make conservation orders (sect. 7), closing orders (sect. 8) and orders to do work (sect. 9). Conservation Committees may be established to advise the Board. (23 sections)

Implemented by: Conservation Orders. (1985)
Implemented by: Land Conservation and Improvement (Fire Hazard Period) Order. (1985)

Decreto Ley Nº 2.811 - Código nacional de recursos naturales renovables y de protección del medio ambiente.

Amérique du Sud

El Código nacional de recursos naturales renovables y de protección del medio ambiente, consta de 340 artículos organizados en dos libros: Del Ambiente (Libro Primero) y De la Propiedad, Uso e Influencia Ambiental de los Recursos Naturales Renovables (Libro Segundo).

Water Association Law.

Europe occidentale

Article 1 of the above-mentioned Law establishes that water and soil associations are public bodies based on the law of the Reich or Land with the following tasks: 1) to create, modify and keep in orderly state waters and their banks, to regulate the discharge of waters and to ensure their elimination as appropriate; 2) to create, modify, keep in good state, run, exploit and as appropriate to eliminate navigation plants, dams, floodgates, hydropower stations and watersheds; 3) to drain, to irrigate, to lay dry and to protect land from flooding, 4) to eliminate, recycle and clean waste water

Natural Resources Act 1951 (No. 71 of 1951).

Afrique australe

The Act provides for the establishment of the Natural Resources Board, whose functions shall: (a) except in respect of Swazi areas to exercise supervision over natural resources; (b) to promote the conservation and improvement of natural resources; (c) to advice the Minister of Agriculture on the proper conservation, use and improvement of natural resources. The Minister may, on the recommendation of the board, set aside Government land or acquire land in areas other than the Swazi areas, for the conservation or improvement of natural resources.