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Environmentally Sensitive Areas (Somerset Levels and Moors) Designation Order 1997 (S.I. No. 1442 of 1997).

Europe septentrionale

This Order is made under section 18 of the Agriculture Act 1986 which gives the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food the power to designate an area of England as an environmentally sensitive area. In such area particular agricultural methods shall be adopted so as to conserve, protect or enhance environmental features in that area. For this purpose the Minister may enter into a management agreement with any person having an interest in agricultural land in any designated area.

Water Right Ordinance.

Europe septentrionale

A Regulation to implement provisions of the Water Act of 1983.The matters here further regulated deal with: protection of public interests under the Water Act (sects. 1,1a, and 2); the authority of a referee appointed under Chapter 12 of the Act (sects. 3 and 4); records at hearings conducted pursuant to Chapter 12 (in relation with land drainage projects) (sects. 5 to 14); communication of decisions of the Water Court to other public bodies and other communications and notifications of the Water Court (sects. 15 and 20); communication of maps, etc.

Countryside Premium Scheme (Scotland) Regulations 1997 (S.I. No. 330 [S.23] of 1997).

Europe septentrionale

These Regulations provide for payment in respect of an undertaking to follow the general environmental conditions set out in Schedule 1 and to carry out at least one of the management activities set out in Schedule 2 or the capital activities set out in Schedule 3. These Regulations provide also for grants to compensate partly for costs of environment audit, planning and undertaking. The Regulations supplement EC Council Regulations No.

Regulations made under the Mountain Catchment Areas Act.

Afrique du Sud
Afrique australe

These Regulations, made by the Minister of Forestry under section 13 of the Mountain Catchment Areas Act, implements provisions of that Act in respect of: the constitution and composition of Fire Protection Committees; the election of members of advisory committees for Mountain Catchment Areas; applications for financial aid; declaration of private land as Mountain Catchment Area and relative procedures; directions to owners of land in a Mountain Catchment Area; and applications for compensation of patrimonial loss.

Implements: Mountain Catchment Areas Act. (1996)

Décret n° 77-054 du 28 février 1977 portant réorganisation du Comité pour la protection et la conservation de la nature.

Afrique occidentale

Le présent décret réorganise la constitution et le fonctionnement du Comité pour la protection et la conservation de la nature, créé par le décret n° 59-168 du 30 décembre 1959.En effet, l'avis préalable de ce Comité est obligatoire pour toute action susceptible de modifier le milieu naturel et pour toutes questions relatives à la protection des sols, des ressources hydrologiques de la faune et de la flore; à la conservation et à l'utilisation rationnelle des ressources naturelles; et aux parcs nationaux et réserves de toute nature.

Natural Resources (Protection) Regulations (G.N. No. 774 of 1968).

Afrique orientale

No person shall without prior approval of the Board as defined in the Natural Resources Act cultivate or permit to be cultivated any land or destroy any vegetation in the vicinity of specified inland waters. The Board may, when granting approval, impose such terms as deemed necessary for the protection of natural resources. The Board may withdraw approval if a person fails to comply with the terms prescribed. (7 regulations)

Implements: Natural Resources Act. (1996)

Lesotho Highlands Development Authority Order (No. 23 of 1986).

Afrique australe

This Order establishes the Lesotho Highlands Development Authority as a body corporate and provides with respect to its functions, powers, administration and operation. The Act also concerns development of Lesotho Highlands and ancillary development matters such as water management and conservation, regulation of fisheries and protection of the environment.

Regulations on Nature Conservation, No. 205 of 1973.

Europe septentrionale

These Regulations have been adopted in implementation of the Nature Conservation Act of 1971. Articles 1 to 7 deal with the setting up of nature conservation committees on each county and town, as well as in the city of Reykjavik. The task of these committees is to further the nature conservation in their district. They shall submit annual reports on their activities (art. 5). Articles 8 to 14 concern the right of access to public lands and the right of free passage, under certain circumstances, through private lands.

Water Book Ordinance (No. 789 of 1983).

Europe septentrionale

Every Water Court shall maintain a list of water projects in a water book for their jurisdictional district. The Book shall be organized in 4 divisions: water projects and water works designed to use water as a propelling force, and dam constructions (even if not so intended); water projects and water works for public waters; water supplies; other water projects and water works covered by the Water Act of 1982 (art. 1). Each of these divisions shall be organized according to river basins or, if necessary, sections of river basins.

Decreto Nº 1.541- Reglamenta el Decreto Ley Nº 2.811 de 1974 y, parcialmente, la Ley Nº 23 de 1973.

Amérique du Sud

El Reglamento consta de 288 artículos y reglamenta las normas relacionadas con el recurso agua en todos sus estados. Declara, a tenor del artículo 1º del Decreto Nº 2811/74, de 18 de diciembre de 1974, que la preservación y manejo de las aguas son de utilidad pública. La administración y manejo del recurso hídrico corresponde al Instituto Nacional de los Recursos Naturales Renovables y del Ambiente (INDERENA), salvo cuando haya sido adscrita a otras entidades.

The Second National Environmental Action Programme.

National Policies
Asie occidentale

The Second National Environmental Action Programme is a sectoral national programme of the Republic of Armenia applicable to the period 2008-2012. Its main objective is to provide a systematized package of environmental policy instruments to minimize the pressure on the natural environment.Among the measures aiming for environmental protection, the Programme pertains to management of various types of natural resources. Among them, it covers the issue of land resource management.

Protection of the Environment Act 2003.

Europe septentrionale

The Environmental Protection Agency shall be the competent authority for the purposes of the Directive on integrated pollution prevention and control here implemented. As competent authority for the purposes of the Directive, the Agency shall, amongst other things, keep itself informed of developments in best available techniques.