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Local Self-Governance Act, 2055 (1999).

Asie méridionale

The purpose of this Act is to support the decentralization process in general and capacity building of the districts, in particular with respect to the rural infrastructure development, and to improve rural accessibility.Village Development Committees shall be constituted as executives of the Village Council in village development areas, Municipalities shall be constituted as executives of the Municipal Council in municipal areas, and District Development Committees shall be constituted as executive bodies of District Councils in district development areas.

Federal Law No. 93-FZ on amendments to Administrative Code and Article 12 of the Law of the RSFSR on land charges.

Fédération de Russie
Europe orientale

Article 12 of the Law of the RSFSR on land charges is supplemented with item 23 of the following wording: “State unitary enterprises and state institutions that exploit state land reclamation systems and separately situated waterworks, including the stock of land of the water basins occupied by storage pools, canals, dams and others within their delimitation zone and state unitary enterprises and state institutions engaged in construction of state land reclamation systems and separately situated waterworks are charged for the plots of land including those conceded to them for temporary use

Regional Law No. 69 “On food tax”.

Fédération de Russie
Europe orientale

This Regional Law establishes that all producers of agricultural commodities shall be subject to mandatory payment of single food tax. Objects of taxation shall be agricultural land held by the producers of agricultural commodities on condition of ownership, tenancy or lease. Food tax shall be paid in the natural form: (a) in grain by grain farming enterprises; (b) in poultry products by poultry farming enterprises; and (c) in natural products calculated as equivalent to a metric ton of grain by other enterprises producing agricultural commodities.

Ley Nº 54 - Ley de Desarrollo Agrario.

Amérique du Sud

La presente Ley tiene por objeto el fomento, desarrollo y protección integrales del sector agrario. Para la ejecución de la política agraria (cap. IV), mediante el artículo 23, se crea el Instituto Nacional de Desarrollo Agrario (INDA), como entidad de derecho público, con ámbito nacional, personalidad jurídica y patrimonio propio, adscrito al Ministerio de Agricultura y Ganadería. El INDA substituye en sus funciones al Instituto Ecuatoriano de Reforma Agraria (IERAC).

Range Law No. 442.

Asie occidentale

The purpose of this Law is the determination, delimitation, allocation of areas such as ranges, pastures, wintersheds (winter range lands) or highlands to juridical entities like villages or municipalities and making use of them in a manner abiding by the rules, increasing or sustaining productivity through maintenance and improvement, controlling that use continuously, protecting them and changing their purpose of use when necessary. The determination, delimitation and allocation of ranges, highlands and wintersheds are undertaken by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs.

Tigray National Regional State's Rural Land Usage Proclamation No. 23/1997.

Afrique orientale

This Proclamation lays down rules relative to the ownership and use of land in the National State of Tigray. Land is declared to be "joint property" of the State and can not be sold, exchanged, given in lease or as bond for an indefinite time. Farmers may use land in their possession under conditions as set out in this Proclamation. The actual state of land is declared to be "accepted" under the present Proclamation. Farmers can give their land in lease under article 7. Article 8 concerns the lease of state land.

Decree No. 290 on Agricultural Law.

République populaire démocratique de Corée
Asie orientale

The Law totals 78 Articles and is divided in the following Chapters and: I, Fundamentals of the Agricultural Law; II, Agricultural Production; III, Strengthening of Material and Technological Foundation of Agriculture; IV, protection of Agricultural Resources; V, Management of Agricultural Products. The Law highlights agriculture as one of the major pillars of national economy because it ensures the supply of food to the population and the production of raw materials to be destined to industrial and commercial utilization.

Land Conservation and Improvement Act (No. 10 of 1992).


This Act provides for the conservation of land in St. Lucia, for the establishment of a Board to be known as the Land Conservation Board, for conferring on that Board functions as to land, and for purposes connected therewith or incidental thereto. Land is defined as including land covered by water and in fact this Act contains provisions on drainage works.

Loi nº 34-94 relative à la limitation du morcellement des propriétés agricoles situées à l'intérieur des périmètres d'irrigation et des périmètres de mise en valeur en bour promulgué par le dahir nº 1-95-152 du 11 août 1995.

Afrique septentrionale

Cette loi porte limitation du morcellement des propriétés agricoles situées à l'intérieur des périmètres d'irrigation et des périmètres de mise en valeur en bour délimités. Dans les périmètres d'irrigation, la superficie minimum d'exploitation est fixée à 5 hectares; à l'extérieur elle doit être suffisante pour dégager un revenu permettant de rémunérer deux travailleurs agricoles. Font exception les morcellements pour la création ou l'extension d'entreprises non agricoles et en cas d'expropriation pour cause d'utilité publique.

Agriculture Law of the People's Republic of China

Asie orientale

This Law enacts principles for the agriculture development, management and preservation in China. "Agriculture" as mentioned in this Law means crop-plantation, forestry, animal husbandry and fisheries. "Agricultural production and operation organizations" mentioned in this Law mean agricultural economic collectives, State-owned agricultural enterprises or other agricultural enterprises.This Law consists of IX chapters. Chapter I General Provisions.

Act to amend the Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Law of 1988 (Republic Act No. 7881).

Asia du sud-est

Amendments made to the principal Act concern its application sphere, compulsory land acquisition, incentives for aquaculture projects, conversion of agricultural land into fish ponds and prawn farms, protection of mangrove areas, and change of crops. Lands actually, directly and exclusively used for parks, wildlife, forest reserves, reforestation, fish sanctuaries and breeding grounds, watersheds and mangroves, as well as private lands actually directly and exclusively used for prawn farms and fishponds, shall be exempt from the application of this Act.