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Land Development Act, B.E 2526 (1983).

Asia du sud-est

In this Act "land development" means any act done to soil or land in order to increase its richness or quality, or to increase agricultural produce, and includes the improvement of soil or land which lacks natural fertility or lacks fertility due to its utilisation, and soil and water conservation to maintain natural balance or for suitable utilisation of land for agriculture. There shall be a committee called the "Land Development Committee" composed of ministers and Government officers.

Tanks Improvement Act, 1939 (Bengal Act No. XV of 1939).

Asie méridionale

In order to improve the condition of reservoirs of water the Collector, as defined in section 2, may serve a notice on the person having control over a tank which has fallen into disrepair or disuse requiring such person to carry out improvements of the tank as the Collector considers necessary (sect. 3). If improvements are not carried out to the satisfaction of the Collector he may declare the tank to be a derelict tank.

Decreto Ley Nº 2.811 - Código nacional de recursos naturales renovables y de protección del medio ambiente.

Amérique du Sud

El Código nacional de recursos naturales renovables y de protección del medio ambiente, consta de 340 artículos organizados en dos libros: Del Ambiente (Libro Primero) y De la Propiedad, Uso e Influencia Ambiental de los Recursos Naturales Renovables (Libro Segundo).

Al-Jazeera Project Law of 1984.

Afrique septentrionale

This Law is composed of 7 Chapters, 33 articles and 2 Indexes. Preliminary provisions (chap. I)which shall include the following matters: name of the Law; abrogation of Law No. 40 of 1974; and terms and definitions. Establishment of the Project, management of the Administrative Board and functions and duties of the Board are provided for in Chapter II. Nomination of the Commissioner and definition of its duties is dealt in Chapter III. Project's founds; devolution of properties; and land tenure are contained in Chapter IV. Financial provisions are provided for in Chapter V.

Agricultural Settlement (Restriction on Use of Agricultural Land and of Water) Law, 1967.

Asie occidentale

Under this law a person occupying or entitled to occupy agricultural land , under a lease agreement or by authority shall not make non-conforming use of that land save under a written permit from the Minister of Agriculture (sect. 2). Under section 3, an occupier may not transfer his personal quota of water to another person or use it or permit another person to use it for the purposes of land of which non-conforming use is made, save under a special permit. Section 4 and 5 establish a Determining Committee for the purpose of this law.

Water Association Law.

Europe occidentale

Article 1 of the above-mentioned Law establishes that water and soil associations are public bodies based on the law of the Reich or Land with the following tasks: 1) to create, modify and keep in orderly state waters and their banks, to regulate the discharge of waters and to ensure their elimination as appropriate; 2) to create, modify, keep in good state, run, exploit and as appropriate to eliminate navigation plants, dams, floodgates, hydropower stations and watersheds; 3) to drain, to irrigate, to lay dry and to protect land from flooding, 4) to eliminate, recycle and clean waste water

Land Husbandry Act, 1969 (No. 22 of 1969).

Afrique australe

The Act provides for soil conservation and livestock control. It harmonizes soil conservation activities in agriculture, livestock management and proper management of water resources. The Act contains provisions on range management and grazing control for communities to manage range resources in a sustainable manner, guaranteeing equal access.The Act applies to agricultural land, i.e. land utilised for the purpose of the growing of crops or the grazing of livestock.

Ley Nº 37 - Código Agrario.

Amérique centrale

El Código Agrario tiene como objetivo fundamental la reforma agraria integral y la abolición del acaparamiento de tierra inculta u ociosa o con fines especulativos.

Enmendado por: Ley Nº 68 - Establece la titulación conjunta como forma de adquirir la tierra. (2001-12-19)
Enmendado por: Ley Nº 38 - Ley de Asociaciones Cooperativas. (1980-10-22)
Enmendado por: Ley Nº 55 - Código Agrario de la República de Panamá. (2011-05-23)

Republic Act creating the Bureau of Soil Conservation, defining its powers, duties and functions (No. 622).

Asia du sud-est

The Bureau of Soil Conservation shall have a headed by the Director of Soil Conservation, to be appointed by the President. All the divisions, sections, field activities and agencies of the Government connected with soils work are hereby transferred to the Bureau of Soil Conservation and such powers, functions and duties relative to soils vested by law or executive orders are hereby vested in the Director of Soil Conservation.

Land Planning and Soil Conservation Act.

Afrique occidentale

This Act establishes committees with powers to preserve and reclaim land and to protect water resources in approved areas of the Gold Coast. The Minister may declare, for the purposes of preserving land, reclaiming land and protecting water resources, any area within a designated area to be a planning area and establish a planning committee for such area (sect. 3 and 4).

Immovable Property (Tenure, Registration and Valuation) Law (No. 8/1953).

Asie occidentale

The 85 sections of the Law are divided into 5 Parts: Preliminary (I); Tenure (II); Registration (III); Valuation (IV); Miscellaneous (V).As far as the text is available, the Law deals, inter alia, with the extent of private ownership (sect. 5), the vesting of waters in the Crown, adverse possession, easements, right of irrigation.