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Agreement between the Government of Belarus and the Government of Armenia on cooperation in the area of geodesy, cartography, distant zoning of the earth and land cadastre.

International Conventions or Treaties
Europe orientale
Asie occidentale

The authorized state institution responsible for the implementation of the present Agreement shall be the State Committee on Immovable Property of Belarus and the State Committee on Cadastre of Immovable Property of Armenia. The Parties have agreed to cooperate in the following areas: (a) exchange of scientific and technical information regarding geodesy and cartography; (b) joint scientific research; (c) exchange of data on distant zoning of the earth; (c) GPS survey; and (d) exchange of geodetic, cartographic and GPS survey materials.

Agreement between the Republic of Austria, the Republic of Rwanda and the Swiss Confederation concerning the geological service of Rwanda.

International Conventions or Treaties
Europe occidentale
Afrique orientale

At the request of the Government of Rwanda, the Republic of Austria and the Swiss Confederation shall give Rwanda technical assistance in the form of experts and materials for their Geological Survey Service. The text consists of 4 articles and 2 Annexes laying down framework guidelines of the Geological Service.

Agreement between the Austrian Federal Government and the Government of the Czechoslovak Republic on principles of geological cooperation between the Republic of Austria and the Czechoslovak Republic.

International Conventions or Treaties
République tchèque
Europe orientale
Europe occidentale

Considering that a close cooperation between Austria and Czechoslovakia would be of great advantage for both countries and particular in cases where deposits of mineral raw materials occur, the Contracting Parties shall give each other mutual assistance in the field of geology. Article 1 establishes that geological cooperation comprises above all exchange of geological documents and their assessment as well as the cooperation in geological research in border areas. The text consists of 11 articles.

Accord du 24 février 1999 portant révision de l’Accord de Bangui du 2 mars 1977 instituant une Organisation africaine de la Propriété intellectuelle.

International Conventions or Treaties
Burkina Faso
Côte d'Ivoire
République centrafricaine
Afrique occidentale
Afrique centrale

Le présent Accord (Bangui du 02 Mars 1977) crée l’Organisation Africaine de la Propriété Intellectuelle chargée: a) de mettre en et d’appliquer les procédures administratives communes découlant d’un régime uniforme de protection de la propriété industrielle ainsi que des stipulations des conventions internationales en ce domaine auxquelles les Etats membres de l’Organisation ont adhéré et de rendre les services en rapport avec la propriété industrielle.Les annexes au présent Accord contiennent, respectivement, les dispositions applicables, dans chaque Etat membre, en ce qui concerne, entre

Arrêté du Ministre de l'équipement et de l'habitat du 30 octobre 1996, fixant le contenu du dossier du programme d'intervention foncière et du plan d'aménagement de détail.

Afrique septentrionale

Cet arrêté fixe le contenu du dossier du programme d'intervention foncière et du plan d'aménagement de détail, prévu à l'article 33 du Code de l'aménagement du territoire et de l'urbanisme.

Met en oeuvre: Loi nº 94-122 portant promulgation du Code de l'aménagement du territoire et de l'urbanisme. (1994-11-28)

Basic Exchange and Cooperation Agreement between the Federal Minister of Defence and Sports of the Republic of Austria and the Department of Defence of the United States of America concerning geospatial-intelligence information.

International Conventions or Treaties
États-Unis d'Amérique
Amérique septentrionale
Europe occidentale

The purpose of the present Agreement is to: a) exchange GEOINT (Geospatial Intelligence Information) Information for the use of both Parties for defence purposes; b) establish and implement cooperative production programmes, other cooperative efforts and co-production programmes; c) establish and implement mutual technical assistance. The texte consists of 10 articles.

Agreement between the Government of Belarus and the Government of Moldova on cooperation in the sphere of cadastre, land resources, geodesy and cartography.

International Conventions or Treaties
Europe orientale

The Contracting Parties shall cooperate in the following fields: (a) joint programmes in the sphere of cadastre, land resources, geodesy and cartography; (b) exchange of information; (c) exchange of maps; (d) exchange on experience related to land use planning, land survey and land cadastre; (e) joint symposia and conferences; (f) consulting (art. 2).