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Complex land reclamation impact on physical and chemical properties of chernozem solonetz

Journal Articles & Books
Décembre, 2015
Fédération de Russie

The aim of the research is to investigate the impact of complex land reclamation including chemical reclamation, manure applying, and ameliorative tillage on physical and chemical properties of chernozem solonetz. The study was carried out in the Rostov region at two backgrounds: 1 – ameliorative tillage by three-tier plow: 2 – ameliorative tillage by plow-milling tool.

Impact of phosphogypsum application at different doses on the properties of irrigated dark-chestnut soils in the Rostov region

Journal Articles & Books
Décembre, 2015
Fédération de Russie

The aim of the research is to investigate the impact of different doses of phosphogypsum as a chemical amendment on physical and physical-chemical properties of irrigated dark-chestnut soils in rice systems under constant flooding. The scheme of experiment: 1) moldboard tillage to the depth of 20-22 cm (control); 2) moldboard tillage to the depth of 20-22 cm + 10 t/ha of phosphogypsum (10 t/ha +PG); 3) moldboard tillage to the depth of 20-22 cm + 40 t/ha of phosphogypsum (40 t/ha PG); 4) imitation of soil milling to the depth of 20-40 cm + 10 t/ha of phosphogypsum (ISM + 10 t/ha PG).


Journal Articles & Books
Décembre, 2015

The article presents an analysis of productivity and consumption of natural grass pastures under the influence of forestbelts and water-detention shafts depending on snowfall winters, springs of water content, moisture of the growing seasonregrowth of grasses

В статье представлен анализ продуктивности и водопотребления естественного травостоя пастбищ подвлиянием лесных полос и водозадерживающих валов в зависимости от снежности зим, водности весен, увлажнениявегетационного периода отрастания трав

Testing Biochar as a possible way to ameliorate slightly acidic soil at the research field located in the Danubian lowland

Journal Articles & Books
Décembre, 2015

One-year field experiment with spring barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) was carried out to evaluate the effect of biochar amendment on the pH of Orthic Luvisol at the research site located in western Slovakia (lat. 48° 19′ 00″

Seed growing of promising soya cultivars under irrigation in dry steppe zone of Volga region

Journal Articles & Books
Décembre, 2015
Fédération de Russie

The aim of the research is to investigate technological process of growing of 9 promising soya cultivars, obtained from 5 originators, in dry steppe zone of Volga region (Saratov area) under irrigation. Experiment observations were done in 2012-2014 in accordance with standard techniques of experimental work and schedule of study. The experiment investigations were carried out through all elements of technological process.

Conditions and prospects of utilization of land belonging to reclaimed fund of Lviv region under conditions of land relations’ reforming

Décembre, 2015

In the Western region of Ukraine, melioration is both of economic and social importance. The area of reclaimed lands constitutes 2.2 million ha or 24 % of the total agricultural lands in the region. Thus, melioration is of great importance for social-economic development of agro-industrial complex of the territory. Under conditions of the land reform in Ukraine, reclaimed lands were subjected to sharing and privatization causing a negative impact on efficiency of its utilization and technical conditions of the reclaimed land infrastructure.

Optimization of the use of resources during melioration systems operation

Journal Articles & Books
Novembre, 2015

In a course of the research there were described the methodological approaches to optimization of the use of resources allocated for the operation of melioration systems and the use of reclaimed land. As a result of realized research there was estimated theoretical and actual productivity of reclaimed land in Gorki and Kalinkovichi districts of the Republic of Belarus with the proposed economic and mathematical model.

International Online Conference on the Economics of Climate Change Mitigation Options in the Forest Sector

Journal Articles & Books
Octobre, 2015
États-Unis d'Amérique
République de Corée

This publication contains key messages from the International Conference on the Economics of Climate Change Mitigation Options in the Forest Sector, organized by FAO and held online in February 2015. It summarizes key points from 51 technical presentations and panel and plenary discussions of 6 thematic sessions: afforestation and reforestation, reduced deforestation and degradation, changing forest management practices, wood energy, green building and sustainable packaging.

Features of resource potential of the agrarian sector of economy and the direction of its development in the context of globalization

Journal Articles & Books
Octobre, 2015

In this article features of potential of agrarian sector of economy in modern conditions are considered. Theoretical and methodological basis of research were the works of domestic and foreign scientists on the investigated problem, dissertation abstracts, National Sustainable Rural Development Program for 2011-2015 and etc. The main components of resource potential are de-fined and the directions promoting its development in the conditions of globalization are allocated.

Regularities of peat deposit settlement after drainage

Journal Articles & Books
Octobre, 2015

Investigation of the process of transformation of the properties of drained peat soil appears a serious scientific problem for the conditions of the Republic of Belarus. The article deals with the research of regularities of peat deposit settlement after drainage. The most important factors, determining the process of peat settlement are outlined. Among them are: the depth of ground water reduction, initial power capacity of peat cover, degree of peat settlement degradation, time factor. The results of investigation over the peat deposit settlement have been presented.