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Challenges and Opportunities of Community Land Dispensation in Kenya

Reports & Research
Avril, 2019

The Community Land Act of 2016 provides a legal basis for protection, recognition and registration of community lands andhas provisions for management and administration of the land by the communities themselves. However, implementation of the act has been slower than anticipated. This is despite the current  heightened investment interests in community lands for mega development projects.

Communal land

Décembre, 2018

Communal land is one of the land tenure systems in Namibia, the other being freehold land tenure system. At independence in 1990,Namibia resolved to retain communal land on the basis that majority of the population derived their livelihoods from communal land.Notwithstanding the increasing urban population in the country since independence, the majority of the Namibian population still lives in the communal areas, and many of the urban-based population continue to have close relations in rural areas.

Impact of Government Policies and Corporate Land Grabs on Indigenous People’s Access to Common Lands and Livelihood Resilience in Northeast Cambodia

Peer-reviewed publication
Décembre, 2018
Asia du sud-est

Cambodia has become a principal target of transnational (and domestic) land grabs over the past decade, mostly in the form of economic land concessions (ELCs). The northeastern part of the country—where the majority of Cambodia’s indigenous people reside—is a particular hotspot. In this article, we discuss three policy mechanisms that the Cambodian government has employed to extend and legitimize land exclusions in the name of national economic development through the example of two indigenous villages in Srae Preah Commune, Mondulkiri Province.

Customary Land Recognition: Zambian Approach to Documentation and Administration

Reports & Research
Décembre, 2018

From January 15 to February 6, 2018, the USAID’s Tenure and Global Climate Change Program and Land Portal Foundation co-facilitated a dialogue on experiences of documenting household and community-level customary rights in Zambia. The dialogue brought together the perspectives of government, traditional leaders, practitioners, civil society, and academics to consider how customary land documentation can contribute to national development goals and increased service delivery in rural and peri-urban areas.

Reclaiming the Commons

Reports & Research
Novembre, 2018

Urban agriculture has been theorized by social scientists, and even some urban growers, as a means of reclaiming the commons. But what does “reclaiming the commons” entail? A longue-durée genealogy reveals distinct socio-legal imaginations of the commons and visions of how it might be reclaimed. Social thinkers and reformers have split over how to address the key problem of private property identified by John Locke: landless people who can’t find paid employment.

A Guide Book on: The Scheduled Tribes and Other Traditional Forest Dwellers (Recognition of Forest Rights) Act 2006

Journal Articles & Books
Mai, 2018

The booklet is part of a series of materials produced in India to raise awareness on the Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure of Land, Fisheries and Forests in the Context of National Food Security (VGGT) among indigenous peoples and local authorities. In particular, the booklet aims a explaining, through simple cartoons, what communities can do to register their communal lands undert the Forests Rights Act, indicating steps to take and institutions to contact.

Uncertainty and Opportunity:

Reports & Research
Février, 2018
Amérique latine et Caraïbes

Most of the world’s remaining tropical forests lie in areas that are customarily managed and/or legally owned by Indigenous Peoples and local communities. In the context of climate change and global efforts to protect and enhance the capacity of forests to capture and store greenhouse gas emissions, the question of who owns the trees and the carbon stored therein is paramount. Clarifying this question is crucial, both for the future of the planet, and for up to 1.7 billion people worldwide who rely on forests for their livelihoods.

Innovations in Land Tenure Systems and Land Titling (Cross-Cutting)

Reports & Research
Janvier, 2018
Afrique du Sud

During its transition from racial apartheid to democracy in 1994, South Africa’s government announced it would strengthen the tenure rights of the estimated 16 million citizens who lived on communal land. By 2012, however, the government’s own reports concluded that the country had made little progress in the area of communal tenure reform.

Customary Tenure in the Mekong Region: Workshop Outcomes

Conference Papers & Reports
Décembre, 2017
Viet Nam

The Mekong Region Land Governance (MRLG) project and the Forestry Department of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Conservation (MONREC) co-hosted the “Mekong Region Customary Tenure Workshop” on 7-9 March 2017 in Nay Pyi Taw, Myanmar. This report outlines the main findings of the workshop, illustrated by some statements and case studies as presented by participants.

Recognition of Customary Tenure in the Mekong Region: An Online Dialogue, Summary Report

Institutional & promotional materials
Décembre, 2017
Viet Nam

Summary report of Mekong Region Land Governance (MRLG)'s online dialogue on 'Recognition of Customary Tenure in the Mekong Region' held in 2017, containing justification for the dialogue, key take-aways, next steps and recommended resources, published by MRLG in 2017.

A Legislação Fundiária Angolana à Luz das Directrizes Voluntárias Sobre a Governança Responsável da Posse de Terra

Policy Papers & Briefs
Novembre, 2017

O objectivo deste estudo é analisar sistema legal fundiário angolano à luz das recomendações propostas pelas Directrizes Voluntárias Sobre a Governança Responsável da Posse de Terra, Pescas e Florestas no Contexto da Segurança Alimentar Nacional (VGGTs no seu acrónimo inglês).