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14 Juin 2022

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The Land Portal, FAO and UNCCD launch podcast and portfolio on the relationship between land tenure and land degradation

17 Juin 2022

June 17th 2022-  Today marks #DesertificationAndDroughtDay and to highlight the occasion, the Land Portal, FAO and the UNCCD have come together to launch two new products; a portfolio and podcast, delving into the important relationship between land tenure and Land Degradation Neutrality.  


The Land Portal, FAO and UNCCD launch podcast and portfolio on the relationship between land tenure and land degradation

17 Juin 2022

June 17th 2022-  Today marks #DesertificationAndDroughtDay and to highlight the occasion, the Land Portal, FAO and the UNCCD have come together to launch two new products; a portfolio and podcast, delving into the important relationship between land tenure and Land Degradation Neutrality.  

LandLibrary Resource

The Land Portal, FAO and UNCCD launch podcast and portfolio on the relationship between land tenure and land degradation

17 Juin 2022

June 17th 2022-  Today marks #DesertificationAndDroughtDay and to highlight the occasion, the Land Portal, FAO and the UNCCD have come together to launch two new products; a portfolio and podcast, delving into the important relationship between land tenure and Land Degradation Neutrality.  

LandLibrary Resource

How will land degradation neutrality change future land system patterns? A scenario simulation study

Journal Articles & Books
Mai, 2021

Land degradation is a major global issue and achieving a land degradation-neutral world is one of the Sustainable Development Goals. However, striving for land degradation neutrality (LDN) is challenged by increasing claims on land resources and could result in major land use conflicts. The aim of this study is to demonstrate how LDN can be implemented in land system modelling and how achieving LDN alongside sufficient supplies of food, timber and shelter could affect future land system patterns, using the Republic of Turkey as a case study.

LandLibrary Resource

Moving towards a twin-agenda: Gender equality and land degradation neutrality

Journal Articles & Books
Août, 2018

The conceptual framework for Land Degradation Neutrality (LDN) highlights that land degradation in developing countries impacts men and women differently, mainly due to unequal access to land, water, credit, extension services and technology. It further asserts that gender inequality plays a significant role in land-degradation-related poverty hence the need to address persistent gender inequalities that fuel women’s poverty in LDN interventions. This paper presents recommendations for moving towards a twin-agenda: gender equality and land degradation neutrality.


The Land Portal, FAO and UNCCD launch podcast and portfolio on the relationship between land tenure and land degradation

17 Juin 2022

June 17th 2022-  Today marks #DesertificationAndDroughtDay and to highlight the occasion, the Land Portal, FAO and the UNCCD have come together to launch two new products; a portfolio and podcast, delving into the important relationship between land tenure and Land Degradation Neutrality.  

LandLibrary Resource

Gender and land degradation neutrality: A cross-country analysis to support more equitable practices

Reports & Research
Novembre, 2019

Women and men have unequal opportunities to address land degradation. While adoption of Sustainable Development Goal target 15.3 leads the world to ‘strive towards land degradation neutrality (LDN)’ by 2030, gender concerns are sparsely considered in LDN programming to date. To achieve LDN in regions with deeply entrenched socio‐cultural norms requires gender‐responsiveness, accounting for the varied gender components of land degradation.

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