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The Australasian Legal Information Institute (AustLII) provides free internet access to Australasian legal materials. AustLII's broad public policy agenda is to improve access to justice through better access to information. To that end, we have become one of the largest sources of legal materials on the net, with over four million searchable documents.
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Displaying 101 - 105 of 259Land Tax Management Act 1956.
This Act, consisting of nine Parts, concerns the imposition, assessment and collection of a land tax on certain lands in New South Wales. The Act provides for the valuation of land and for the assessment of taxes to be imposed. Under the Act, certain land used for primary production can be exempted from taxes.
Land Development Contribution Management Act 1970.
This Act, consisting of ten Parts, provides for the payment of contributions for declared land in relation to the development of certain land within the Sydney region. The Act provides for the assessment of contribution (Part 3) and regulates related legal and administrative procedures (Part 4), it provides for the collection and recovery of contributions (Part 5) and for the valuation of land (Part 6).
Pastoral Land Regulations.
These Regulations, consisting of 31 sections divided into eight Parts, make provision with respect to procedures of the Pastoral Land Board established under section 11 of the Act, legal issues of pastoral leases, monitoring of pastoral land, access to pastoral land, licences to go onto and take certain things from pastoral land, procedures of appeal with an Appeals Tribunal and miscellaneous matters.
Implements: Pastoral Land Act. (2016-04-06)
Rivers and Foreshores Improvement Act 1948.
The construction, operation and maintenance of works for the removal of obstructions, improvement of rivers and foreshores and the prevention of erosion of lands by tidal and non-tidal waters shall be approved by the Marine Ministerial Holding Corporation and carried out by the Constructing Authority. For the purpose of constructing works for the improvement of rivers and foreshores, any lands may be constituted as River and/or Foreshore Improvement Districts by the Ministerial Corporation.
Land and Environment Court Rules 2007.
These Rules, consisting of seven Parts and completed by one Schedule, prescribe the general practice applicable to all proceedings to be commenced in the Land and Environment Court. They are divided into 6 Parts. Part 2 concerns the administration. In particular, it deals with the following matters: seal of the court, sittings of the court, vacation, registry, judges and assessors. Part 3 applies to proceedings in Class 1, 2 or 3 of the Court's jurisdiction.