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Community / Land projects / Capacity development: Applying the VGGT for and with Indigenous Peoples (India)

Capacity development: Applying the VGGT for and with Indigenous Peoples (India)


07/15 - 09/16


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The programme, jointly developed by the Indigenous Peoples’ team and the Land tenure team in FAO, as well as with the Asia Indigenous Peoples pact and local Indigenous Peoples’ organizations, was specifically designed for Indigenous Peoples of India (Adivasi). It lasted for about one year, and consisted in two sub-national workshops (in north-east India and central India), a period during which the participants conduct research in their communities, and one national workshop carried out in New Delhi, in August 2016 to present the results of this research and discuss with government representatives. The overall objective was to strengthen the recognition and protection of indigenous peoples’ tenure rights and customary tenure systems, exploring practical actions to implement the VGGT in conjunction with national and local laws, in particular the Forest Rights Act.

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