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Map of India


An immense country in population and land size, land governance in India was significantly affected by the transition from a socialist to a market economy since the 1980s. There is complexity both due to the high number of laws relating to land, harking from colonial times to the present, and the sharing of responsibilities between several departments at national and sub-national tiers of government, thereby creating overlapping jurisdictions. Despite legal evolution through The Right to Fair Compensation and Transparency in Land Acquisition, Rehabilitation and Resettlement (RFCTLARR) Act, enacted in 2013, land disputes continue to clog up Indian courts at all levels, in particular concerning compensation levels.
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Land Area
297,319,000 ha
6,592 USD

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Women’s right to land is the foundation for a better tomorrow

9 March 2023

Secure land rights for women and girls are linked to increased women’s leadership and autonomy, enhanced economic opportunities, better social security, safety and dignified societal standing.

Smoke rises after the Indian Army blew up a land mine in Jammu and Kashmir

One of the World’s Most Dangerous Places Is About to Have One of Its Most Important Mines

28 February 2023

India discovered an enormous deposit of lithium in Jammu and Kashmir regions

A resident shows a land ownership document issued by Indian authorities at the Dashiarchhara Indian enclave in June 2004

Nationalism without a nation: What being Indian means for residents of merged Bangladesh enclaves

22 February 2023

Among the formerly ‘stateless’ residents of the enclave exchange between Bangladesh and India, nationalism thrives despite the state’s failure to provide rights.



In October 2019, a new law was passed protecting the 2,000 informal settlements in Delhi. In 2020, the Punjab Slum Dwellers (Proprietary Rights) Act was passed to allow property rights on land.

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Digitization of Land Records

Webinar Recap: the Digitization of Land Records: A Panacea for Land Conflicts

5 March 2024

Organized by the Cadasta Foundation,  Land Conflict Watch,  the Land Portal Foundation, National Council of Applied Economic Research (NCAER) of India, and NRMC Center for Land Governance, the webinar "The Digitization of Land Records: A Panacea for Land Conflicts" provided an in-depth look at the…

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Webinar on Building an Information Ecosystem in India

Webinar: Building a Land Information Ecosystem in India

Join us for a webinar: Building a Land Information Ecosystem in India Date: Thursday, February 20th, 2020 Time: 14:00-15:30 / 9:00-10:30 CET   Join us for a webinar co-hosted by the Center for Policy Research (CPR), the Land Portal Foundation, the NRMC Center for Land Governance, Omidyar Network…