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Community / Land projects / (Priority 2): Provision of integrated durable interventions to displacement-affected communities in Amran, Tai

(Priority 2): Provision of integrated durable interventions to displacement-affected communities in Amran, Tai


02/22 - 10/23


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NRC proposal is in line with priority two (P2) of the second standard allocation of 2021. The proposed intervention aims to facilitate local integration of IDPs in Al-Zuhra and Al-Asha in Al- Hodeida and Amran governorates respectively, while facilitating reintegration of IDP returnees in Alqahira, and Mudhafar in Taiz. Alqahira and Mudhafar districts in Taiz: NRC will assist returnees to re-establish themselves in areas of returns by providing them with cash to rehabilitate their damaged houses and improve their tenure security. NRC will rehabilitate damaged houses for 300 HHs (464 men, 456 women, 550 boys, 560 girls). HLP support will be provided to shelter beneficiaries including tenure documentation, while strengthening their community-based dispute resolution mechanism. Community-based protection mechanism will be strengthened by providing individualized case management, emergency cash and referrals to specialized services. Additionally, NRC will rehabilitate Water supply schemes, upgrade to solar system, and conduct hygiene promotion using behavioral change and communication approach (BCC) for 3268 HHs (6836 men, 7975 women, 4557 boys, 3418 girls) returnees and vulnerable host community. To cover the gaps in other priority sectors, NRC identified SOUL as the main partner providing complimentary education focusing on teacher incentives, support to non-formal education, and construction of latrines. Save the children will compliment NRC on LFS (cash for work). Human Access will be the health partner in Al-Qahira, while DEEM will cover health/ WASH gaps in AlMudhffer. Al-Ash district, Amran: NRC will focus on education integrated with protection while CARE will implement complimentary component consisting of WASH (Water supply and hygiene promotion), LFS (Cash for Work) to facilitate local integration. Due to lack of damaged houses, NRC did not find Shelter rehabilitations suitable for the district. Since health is outside of NRC’s scope of work, target groups in need of health care will be referred to WHO supported local district health office. On education, NRC aims to ensure safe and equitable access to education for displacement affected children. A total of 1,300 children (541 boys, 759 girls) will be provided with education through a comprehensive approach adopted to address identified barriers to education. NRC will provide cash for referrals to support 600 children at-risk in accessing specialized services. In addition to the cash assistance, the cases will be provided with: - Emotional support through psychological first aid and - Legal assistance Al-Zuhra district, Al-Hodeida: To facilitate the local integration NRC will provide WASH, Education and protection including HLP. NRC with partner with ACF on health care, while CARE will implement the cash for work. NRC did not find Shelter rehabilitations suitable for Al-Zuhra district, hence was dropped in consultation with the Shelter cluster. Under WASH NRC will focus on the rehabilitation of water supply schemes, construction of latrine through MBP mainly cash for latrine and will implement hygiene promotion activities using BCC approach for 2656HHs (4328 men, 4515 women, 4811 boys, 4938 girls) IDP, and vulnerable host community. On education, NRC aims to ensure safe and equitable access to education for displacement affected children through rehabilitation or expansion of schools to increase access to disability- and gender-sensitive WASH facilities and Provision of educational supplies. NRC will support five schools in the district supporting 2,000 children (1,100 boys, 900 girls). . On protection, NRC will prioritize mobile protection in Al-Zuhra by providing individualized case management, emergency cash, light HLP support and referrals to specialized services for vulnerable persons. NRC will ensure that Education CC will work closely with WASH CC to identify WASH needs in schools with technical support from WASH sector.

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