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There are 940 content items of different types and languages related to réforme agraire on the Land Portal.

réforme agraire


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Instituto de Estudos Sociais e Económicos


O IESE é uma organização moçambicana independente e sem fins lucrativos, que realiza e promove investigação científica interdisciplinar sobre problemáticas do desenvolvimento social e económico em Moçambique e na África Austral.

Tematicamente, a actividade científica do IESE contribui para a análise da política pública e social e da governação, com enfoque nas problemáticas de pobreza, política e planeamento público, cidadania, participação política, governação e contexto internacional do desenvolvimento em Moçambique.

Instituto Nacional de Colonização e Reforma Agrária


O Instituto Nacional de Colonização e Reforma Agrária, Incra, é uma autarquia federal cuja missão prioritária é executar a reforma agrária e realizar o ordenamento fundiário nacional.

Criado pelo Decreto nº 1.110, de 9 de julho de 1970, atualmente o Incra está implantado em todo o território nacional por meio de 30 superintendências regionais.

Missão do Incra:

Implementar a política de reforma agrária e realizar o ordenamento fundiário nacional, 

contribuindo para o desenvolvimento rural sustentável.

Rede Brasileira de Informação Ambiental


A REBIA – Rede Brasileira de Informação Ambiental é uma Associação sem fins lucrativos, independente, sem vínculos partidários ou religiosos, que visa contribuir para a formação e fortalecimento da cidadania socioambiental planetária através da democratização da informação ambiental e da educação ambiental, com uma visão plural e democrática da questão socioambiental e da sustentabilidade, e que se rege por seus Estatutos e pela legislação específica

BRICS Initiatives in Critical Agrarian Studies


The Rise of the BRICS

The economic and political rise of the BRICS countries (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) has far-reaching implications for global agrarian transformation as key sites of production, circulation and consumption of agricultural commodities. They are hosts to abundant cheap labour and natural resources, and to growing numbers of affluent consumers at the same time.

Instituto Nacional de Reforma Agraria Bolivia



El Instituto Nacional de Reforma Agraria INRA es una entidad pública descentralizada del Ministerio de Desarrollo Rural y Tierras, con jurisdicción nacional, personalidad jurídica y patrimonio propio. Es el órgano técnico - ejecutivo encargado de dirigir, coordinar y ejecutar las políticas establecidas por el Servicio Nacional de Reforma Agraria (Art. 17 de la Ley No 1715).

Es el organismo responsable de planificar, ejecutar y consolidar el proceso de reforma agraria en el país.


Phuhlisani NPC


Phuhlisani began as a consultancy started by a group of people who wanted to support emerging farmers who obtained access to land through land reform programmes in South Africa. In 2015, after 12 years in operation as a Closed Corporation, the members of the company decided to convert Phuhlisani to a Non-Profit Company which took place in October 2015.

Phuhlisani NPC provides comprehensive services and support for sustainable land reform and rural development including:

International Journal of Social Science Studies


International Journal of Social Science Studies journal encourages and publishes research and studies in the field of Anthropology, Archaeology, Area Studies, Communication Studies, Criminology & Criminal Justice, Cultural and Ethnic Studies, Economics, Education, Geography, History, Law, Linguistics, Management, Philosophy,Political Science, Psychology, Sociology.

This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.

The Other Media


The Other Media was established in 1992 as a Center for supporting people’s organisations and movements in India include providing campaigns, advocacy, communications, research, training and scientific support to and mobilising solidarity for community struggles against injustice. It also strives to bring together civil society groups on to common platforms on the basis of shared concerns for human rights, peace and justice including environmental justice.

South African Land Observatory


The South African Land Observatory is an initiative whose overall objective is to promote evidence-based and inclusive decision-making over land resources in South Africa. As its name ‘Observatory’ suggests, it collects data and information on land. The initiative is a repository of what is published on land in South Africa and on the events that take place around land in South Africa.

Land Research Action Network


LRAN is the Land Research Action Network (LRAN), or Red de Investigación-Acción sobre la Tierra, which brings together activist researchers working on land and resource access issues, to network them with one another and with grassroots movements struggling for land and other productive resources. It’s members are committed, activist researchers, their organizations, and social movements fighting for access to land, for true agrarian reform, and for access to other productive resources.

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