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Issueschangement climatiqueLandLibrary Resource
There are 6, 205 content items of different types and languages related to changement climatique on the Land Portal.
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Bản tin chính sách số 7 - Quý III/2012

Policy Papers & Briefs
Décembre, 2012
Viet Nam

Các nội dung chính của bản tin kỳ này:

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- Quản lý dữ liệu về sinh vật biến đổi gen

- Kế hoạch hành động khẩn cấp bảo tồn voi Việt Nam

- Ban hành chiến lược mới về bảo vệ môi trường quốc gia

- Khắc phục ô nhiễm và cải thiện môi trường giai đoạn 2012 – 2015

Relative contribution of wild foods to individual and household food security in the context of increasing vulnerability due to HIV/AIDS and climate variability

Reports & Research
Novembre, 2013
Afrique du Sud

Wild foods are an integral component of the household food basket, yet their quantified contribution to food security relative to other sources in the context of HIV/AIDS, climate change and variability remains underexplored. This study was carried out in Willowvale and Lesseyton which are rural communities in the Eastern Cape province of South Africa.

The role of field and garden cultivation for food security under a changing climate: The case of Fairbairn and Ntloko villages, Eastern Cape

Reports & Research
Février, 2017
Afrique du Sud

Climate change poses a very real threat to millions of Africans, especially those who rely on the natural world for their livelihoods. The increasing variability of climate and rainfall patterns are said to have dire consequences on agricultural production which is the main livelihood activity of rural dwellers across the continent.

Understanding social-ecological changes in Fairbairn village, Eastern Cape

Reports & Research
Février, 2017
Afrique du Sud

Rural communities in sub-Saharan Africa are faced with multiple interconnected challenges such as population growth, environmental change, economic recession and climatic changes, amongst others. Such challenges can play a key role in determining vulnerability and food security, particularly for natural resource productdependent societies that have limited livelihood sources. Studies that consider understanding how society and ecosystems simultaneously interact and respond to new and exacerbated drivers are increasingly needed.

Options for Support to Grassland Restoration in the context of Climate Change Mitigation

Reports & Research
Avril, 2012

This report reviews the options for support to grassland restoration in the context of demand growth for livestock products and climate change mitigation. Key messages are: Grasslands provide crucial economic, social and environmental outputs Gasslands cover a total of 52.5 million km2 , or about 40% of the world’s ice-free terrestrial surface area. Extensive grasslands contribute about 7% of global beef production, 12% of sheep and goat meat production and 5% of global milk supply.

Resource Atlas of Isiolo County, Kenya: Community-based mapping of pastoralist resources and their attributes

Reports & Research
Juin, 2015

Participatory digital mapping using satellite imagery and digital earth and other open source Geographic Information Systems (GIS) is a practical tool bridging the knowledge and communication gap between pastoral communities and county government planners. It is offering an effective option for participatory planning and decision-making in support of climate change adaptation in the drylands of Kenya.

“How Can We Survive Here?” The Impact of Mining on Human Rights in Karamoja, Uganda

Reports & Research
Janvier, 2014

Basic survival is very difficult for the 1.2 million people who live in Karamoja, a remote region in northeastern Uganda bordering Kenya marked by chronic poverty and the poorest human development indicators in the country. Traditional dependence on semi-nomadiccattle-raising has been increasingly jeopardized. Extreme climate variability, amongst other factors, has made the region’s pastoralist and agro-pastoralist people highly vulnerable to food insecurity.

Recent Glacier Recession – a New Source of Postglacial Treeline and Climate History in the Swedish Scandes

Peer-reviewed publication
Décembre, 2011

Climate warming during the past century has imposed recession of glaciers and perennial snow/ice patches along the entire Swedish Scandes. On the newly exposed forefields, subfossil wood remnants are being outwashed from beneath ice and snow bodies. In Scandinavia, this kind of detrital wood is a previously unused source of postglacial vegetation and climate history. The present study reports radiocarbon dates of a set of 78 wood samples, retrieved from three main sites, high above modern treelines and stretching along the Swedish Scandes.

Treeline advance - driving processes and adverse factors

Peer-reviewed publication
Juin, 2007

The general trend of climatically-driven treeline advance is modified by regional, local and temporal variations. Treelines will not advance in a closed front parallel to the shift of any isotherm to higher elevations and more northern latitudes. The effects of varying topography on site conditions and the after-effects of historical disturbances by natural and anthropogenic factors may override the effects of slightly higher average temperatures. Moreover, the varying treeline-forming species respond in different ways to a changing climate.

One Century of Treeline Change and Stability - Experiences from the Swedish Scandes

Peer-reviewed publication
Mars, 2010

This paper elaborates and visualizes processes recorded in a recent regional and multi-site study of elevational
treeline dynamics during the period 1915 to 2007 in the Swedish Scandes. The purpose is to give a concrete face of
the landscape transformation which is associated with the recorded treeline shifts. The main focus is on stand-level
structure of past and present treelines and the advance zones, where climate change elicited responses by Betula pubescens

A szélsőséges időjárási jelenségek hatásai (Effects of the Extreme Weather Events)

Peer-reviewed publication
Avril, 2015

Economist Sir Nicholas Stern warned that the global warming could cause major blow to the world economy than the two world wars and the crisis in the 1930s. But where are we in this process now and what can be expected in the near future and what opportunities we are to curb the negative effects and to slow down the global warming.

Higher-than-present Medieval pine (Pinus sylvestris) treeline along the Swedish Scandes

Peer-reviewed publication
Mai, 2015
Fédération de Russie

The upper treeline of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) is renowned as a sensitive indicator of climate change and variability. By use of megafossil tree remains, preserved exposed on the ground surface, treeline shift over the past millennium was investigated at multiple sites along the Scandes in northern Sweden. Difference in thermal level between the present and the Medieval period, about AD 1000-1200, is a central, although controversial, aspect concerning the detection and attribution of anthropogenic climate warming.