MPR Decree No. IX/MPR/2001 on Agrarian Reform and Management of Natural Resources.
This Decree regulates the agrarian reform and the management of natural resources in Indonesia. It shall be a process of sustainable restructuring, monitoring, ownership and exploration of such resources.
National Gender Policy.
The National Gender Policy is a multi-sectoral instrument applicable at the national level.
Constitution of the People's Republic of China.
In the Valley of the Shadow of Death?
London Mining Network is an alliance of human rights, development, environmental and solidarity groups working in support of communities around the world who are badly affected by mining companies based in, or financed from, London.
One such company is Antofagasta plc, one of the larger mining companies listed on the London Stock Exchange. The majority of its operations are in Chile. The most significant shareholders in Antofagasta are members of the Luksic family, a wealthy Chilean family which is also involved in a number of other businesses.
This guide is written for people who work in land administration and all those with an interest in land, land tenure and their governance. Although much has been written about the importance of good governance in achieving development goals, there is comparatively little material on good governance in land tenure and administration. Failings in governance have adverse consequences for society as a whole. By contrast, good governance can help achieve economic development and the reduction of poverty. Good governance matters.
Réforme agraire: Colonisation et coopératives agricoles 2004/2
The second volume of Land Reform, Land Settlement and Cooperatives for 2004 comprises eight articles that examine a range of areas central to land tenure activity. They provide a stimulating and, in some cases, critical set of perspectives on how best to tackle some of these issues.
نحو مبادئ توجي ية طوعية بشأن الحوكمة المسؤولة لحيازة الأراضي والموارد الطبيعية الأخرى
حيازة الأراضي، وثيقة العمل رقم 10.أعدت وحدة حيازة الأراضي وإدارت ا ذه الورقة سعي اً للحصول على آراء وتعليقات بشأن وضع مبادئ توجي ية طوعية للحوكمة المسؤولة لحيازة الأراضي والموارد الطبيعية الأخرى. إذ تؤدي الحوكمة الضعيفة للحيازة إلى إضاعة الحياة وسبل العيش كما أن ا تعوق الاستثمار وانتشار النمو الاقتصادي، وتثبط مم السكان وتجعل م لا يحفِلون كثير اً بالاستخدام المستدام للموارد الطبيعية..
Natural Resources and Environment Newsletter
In this last issue of the newsletter for 2011, we introduce a new study on corruption in the land sector. The study was carried out by FAO and the Berlinbased Transparency International and it illustrates that the land sector is one of the main public sector areas where corruption exists. In climate change news, the world’s attention is focused on Durban, South Africa where the parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change – including FAO - are meeting this month.
Buena gobernanza y tenencia de los recursos naturales en la subregión del caribe
Documento de trabajo sobre la tenencia de la tierra 17. Este artículo identifica y analiza los aspectos relacionados con la gobernanza de la tierra y proporciona ejemplos de buena gobernanza en la subregión del Caribe. Este documento de trabajo se realizó en vista de las Directrices Voluntarias de la FAO sobre la gobernanza responsable en la tenencia de la tierra y otros recursos naturales. Disponible en inglés
Recursos naturales y medio ambiente boletín informativo
Este mes nos es grato invitarles a participar en una consulta electrónica sobre las Directrices Voluntarias sobre la Gobernanza Responsable en la Tenencia de la Tierra y Otros Recursos Naturales. Tras un prolongado proceso de consultas regionales, y antes de acometer la redacción del borrador cero, se están solicitando ahora materiales adicionales para la elaboración de estas directrices.
Responsible Governance of Tenure and the Law
This guide explores the legal dimensions of responsible governance of tenure. It supports the application of the Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure for Land, Fisheries and Forests in the Context of National Food Security at the national level. The guide addresses the legal value of the Guidelines covering the governance of tenure of land, fisheries and forests by explaining the concept of legitimacy and reviewing the different stages of legislative processes, from legal assessment and law-making through implementation of legislation to settlement of disputes.