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Issuesdroit coutumierLandLibrary Resource
There are 1, 243 content items of different types and languages related to droit coutumier on the Land Portal.

droit coutumier


Displaying 733 - 744 of 841

National Land Commission (Investigation of Historical Land Injustices) Regulations, 2017 (L.N. No. 258 of 2017).

Octobre, 2017

These Regulations of the National Land Commission, made under section 36 of the National Land Commission Act, 2012, concern correction of historical land injustices that occurred in a period between 1895 and 2010. Pursuant to Article 67 (2) (e) of the Constitution and section 15 (1) of the National Land Commission Act, 2012, the Commission may initiate investigations on its own initiative or upon a complaint into historical land injustices and recommend appropriate redress.

Taranaki Iwi Claims Settlement Act 2016 (No. 95 of 2016).

Décembre, 2016

The purpose of this Act, consisting of 172 sections, divided into four Parts and completed by three Schedules, is: to record the acknowledgements and apology given by the Crown to Taranaki Iwi in the deed of settlement; and to give effect to certain provisions of the deed of settlement that settles the historical claims of Taranaki Iwi.

Maharashtra Village Panchayats Extension to Scheduled Areas (PESA) Rules, 2014.

Mars, 2014

These Rules, consisting of 52 sections divided into twelve Parts, regulate Maharashtra Village Panchayats Extension to Scheduled Areas. They shall extend to all the Scheduled Areas in the State where the Act is in force. The Rules establishe composition duties and responsibilities of the Gram Sabha, entitled to safeguard and preserve the natural resources located in its area including traditional rights over water, forest, land and minerals as per local tradition and the spirit of the laws of the Central and State Governments.

Délibération cadre n° 02/2013/SC du 30 avril 2013 relatif au socle commun des valeurs kanak et les principes fondamentaux des droits autochtones coutumiers.

Avril, 2013

La présente délibération vise à inscrire le droit coutumier dans un processus de mise en place d’un pluralisme juridique équilibré où le droit coutumier aura toute sa place et dans toutes les branches du droit.

Withdrawal from Disposal of Certain Tracts of Territorial Lands in Nunavut (Kivalliq area) Order (SI/2016-29).

Mai, 2016

The present Order is made under the Territorial Lands Act. In particular, the purpose of this Order is to withdraw from disposal certain tracts of territorial lands in order to facilitate the conclusion of Aboriginal land agreements. In particular, section 2 establishes that the tracts of territorial lands set out in the Schedule, including the surface and subsurface rights to the lands, are withdrawn from disposal for a period of three years beginning on the day on which this Order is made. The text consists of 5 sections and 1 Schedule.

General Regulations made in terms of the Communal Land Reform Act.

Février, 2003

These Regulations, made in terms of section 45 of the Communal Land Reform Act, provide with respect to a wide variety of matters concerning communal land and communal land rights. Part I deals with (application for) customary land rights. It specifies the maximum size of land that may be held under customary land right and specifies particulars pertaining to allocation of customary land right.

Decreto Nº 1.283 - Reglamento General de la Ley Orgánica de Tierras Rurales y Territorios Ancestrales.

Décembre, 2016

El presente Decreto aprueba el Reglamento General para la aplicación de la Ley Orgánica de Tierras Rurales y Territorios Ancestrales, que tiene por objeto regular la aplicación de la Ley Orgánica de Tierras Rurales y Territorios Ancestrales, de conformidad con los principios, finalidades, lineamientos de la política agraria de tierras y los derechos vinculados a la propiedad de la tierra rural y territorios ancestrales.Sobre las condiciones para determinar el cambio de la clasificación del uso del suelo rural, dispone que la Autoridad Agraria Nacional, a solicitud del Gobierno Autónomo Desc

National Rural land Use Policy 2015-2020.

National Policies
Mars, 2015
Îles Salomon

The National Rural Land Use Policy NRLUP 2015 – 2020 supports the implementation of the National Agriculture and Livestock Sector Policy and the National Action Plan to address Land Degradation. NRLUP is intended to deliver on the Government's policies targeting the land users from rural to national level. NRLUP shall be guided by the following principles: Alignment with and guidance from the national constitution. Gender equity and involvement of youth, children, people with special needs and church leaders.

Loi n° 61-30 du 19 juillet 1961 fixant la procédure de confirmation d’expropriation des droits fonciers coutumiers dans la République du Niger.

Juillet, 1961

La présente loi fixe la procédure de confirmation d’expropriation des droits fonciers coutumiers dans la République du Niger. Par ailleurs, elle prévoit les procédures d’appropriation collective et individuelle; expropriation pour cause d’utilité publique; des dispositions transitoires.

Loi n° 62-7 du 12 mars 1962 supprimant les privilèges acquis sur les terrains de chefferie.

Mars, 1962

La présente loi supprime les privilèges acquis sur les terrains de chefferie (terrain attaché, non à la personne du chef, mais à ses fonctions, et qui se transmet d’un titulaire de la chefferie à son successeur). Désormais, ces terrains deviennent la propriété de ceux qui les cultivent.Pour les terrains vacants, les chefs de circonscriptions seront habilités à les attribuer à ceux qui en feront la demande.Les terrains acquis dans les conditions ci-dessus ne peuvent être aliénés à un titre quelconque, ni même loués.