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Issuesdroit coutumierLandLibrary Resource
There are 1, 243 content items of different types and languages related to droit coutumier on the Land Portal.

droit coutumier


Displaying 781 - 792 of 841

Hineuru Claims Settlement Act 2016 (No. 33 of 2016).

Juillet, 2016

The purpose of this Act, consisting of 135 sections, divided into three Parts and completed by four Schedules, is: to record in English and te reo Māori the acknowledgements and apology given by the Crown to Hineuru in the deed of settlement; and to give effect to certain provisions of the deed of settlement that settles the historical claims of Hineuru.

Resolución Nº 589-2016-MINAGRI ─ Modifica la Resolución Nº 435-2016-MINAGRI, Lineamientos para la ejecución del Procedimiento de Reconocimiento e Inscripción Administrativa de la Personería Jurídica de Comunidades Nativas.

Décembre, 2016

La presente Resolución modifica los Lineamientos para la ejecución del procedimiento de inscripción administrativa de la personería jurídica de las Comunidades Nativas, en el sentido de incorporar aportes del Viceministerio de Interculturalidad del Ministerio de Cultura, respecto al reconocimiento de los derechos de pueblos indígenas y del procedimiento de reconocimiento de las comunidades nativas.

Law No. 8/2017 on Land Expropriation for Public Utility.

Avril, 2017

This Law, consisting of 69 articles divided into five Chapters, defines the regime applicable to the expropriation of immovable property and establishes rules and procedures for cases in which the State, with a view to the pursuit of a public purpose, is impelled, in the absence of other viable alternative solutions, to call upon itself the ownership of immovable property in the private domain. It specifies the cases in which expropriation is allowed, such as: when the property must pursue a purpose of public utility.

Decreto Supremo Nº 005-2016-MC ─ Dispone la inscripción de reservas indígenas en el Registro de Predios de los Registros Públicos.

Juillet, 2016

El presente Decreto Supremo dispone la inscripción de reservas indígenas en el Registro de Predios de los Registros Públicos en el marco de la Ley para la protección de pueblos indígenas u originarios en situación de aislamiento y en situación de contacto inicial.Las reservas indígenas se inscriben en el Registro de Predios conforme a lo siguiente: 1) Cuando el predio o predios ubicados en el ámbito geográfico de la reserva indígena se encuentren registrados, la reserva indígenas se extenderá como carga en las respectivas partidas registrales, precisando si la reserva indígena afecta el pre

Provisions of the Panchayats (Extension to the Scheduled Areas) Act, 1996 (PESA No. 40 of 1996).

Décembre, 1996

This Act, as referred to in Clause (1) of art. 244 of the Constitution, amends part IX of the Constitution, related to Panchayats Extension to the Scheduled Areas. Part IX of the Constitution relating to Panchayats is extended to the Scheduled Areas subject to such exceptions and modifications, as provided in section 4.

Collective Land Ownership in the 21st Century: Overview of Global Trends

Peer-reviewed publication
Juin, 2018

Statutory recognition of rural communities as collective owners of their lands is substantial, expanding, and an increasingly accepted element of property relations. The conventional meaning of property in land itself is changing, allowing for a greater diversity of attributes without impairing legal protection.

Challenges and Opportunities of Community Land Dispensation in Kenya

Reports & Research
Avril, 2019

The Community Land Act of 2016 provides a legal basis for protection, recognition and registration of community lands andhas provisions for management and administration of the land by the communities themselves. However, implementation of the act has been slower than anticipated. This is despite the current  heightened investment interests in community lands for mega development projects.

Gender Imperatives of Land Reform in Kenya

Reports & Research
Avril, 2019

The webinar on the Gender Imperatives of Land Reforms in Kenya took place on 23 April, 2019.

This webinar featured key experts involved in promoting and working towards the gender imperatives of land reforms in Kenya. It was co-hosted by the European Union, the Government of Kenya, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations and the Land Portal Foundation.

Moderator: Husna A. Mbarak, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) 

Juana y la Comunidad Tres Islas contra la minería ilegal

Reports & Research
Avril, 2017

La siguiente es la trascripción casi literal de una larga conversación sostenida con Juana Payaba, expresidenta de la Comunidad Nativa Tres Islas, la única comunidad del departamento de Madre de Dios, en el sureste peruano, que ha logrado el reconocimiento de sus derechos consuetudinarios como pueblo indígena. La lucha de los comuneros de Tres Islas contra los mineros ilegales que invadieron

Foreword to Women’s Rights to Land & Privatization in Eastern Africa

Reports & Research
Novembre, 2008

An exciting new collection inspired by a 2003 Oxfam/FAO workshop in Pretoria. Foreword briefly looks at the struggle for women’s land rights across the globe and the lack of concrete gains. Women have been confronted by resistance and patriarchy. Many land reform programmes over the past 60 years were falsely premised on notions of a unitary household. Women were disadvantaged by the codification of customary law in colonial Africa and are now by privatization in a context exacerbated by the coming of HIV and AIDS, which is breaking down notions of reciprocity.