indigenous people's tenure related Blog post | Land Portal
There are 1,289 content items of different types and languages related to indigenous people's tenure on the Land Portal.

indigenous people's tenure

Specific land access and land use principles, in force in particular traditional ethnic groups.

Displaying 1 - 12 of 59
COP28 in Dubai
5 December 2023
Mr. Jeremy Gaunt
Latin America and the Caribbean

Two years after international donors pledged $1.7 billion to Indigenous Peoples at COP26, a recognition of their crucial role in protecting biodiversity and carbon capture, there has been good progress in preparing the systems needed for the money to be disbursed.

31 August 2023
Latin America and the Caribbean

Casi tres décadas atrás, el 9 de agosto fue designado como el Día Internacional de los Pueblos Indígenas por la Asamblea General de las Naciones Unidas. En América Latina, aunque se han logrado avances en el ámbito legal en cuanto a la garantía de sus derechos, basta ver un poco más allá para encontrar serias paradojas que nos obligan a levantar la voz antes que a celebrar el día.

5 September 2023
Linda Engström

Blogpost about the book “Power, Knowledge, Land – Contested Ontologies of Land and Its Governance in Africa” 2022 by Laura A. German. University of Michigan Press.

By Linda Engström, Researcher, Division of Rural Development, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Sweden.      

11 July 2023
Dr. David Betge

This session addressed the fact that the rights implications and the social and economic consequences of current climate change and biodiversity strategies in the context of the Rio Conventions for millions of people are not sufficiently acknowledged, researched, and addressed.

13 March 2023
CALPI Nicaragua
Latin America and the Caribbean
Central America

CALPI received information that the community of Wilú has been attacked by settlers on March 11, 2023 and that on March 10, 2023, three Mayangna community members and two children members of the Mískitu indigenous people were kidnapped; the kidnapped people were on their way from the community of Musawás to the community of Betlehem in the Mayangna Sauni As territory, in the Bosawás Biosphere Reserve, within the Autonomous Region of the Northern Caribbean Coast of Nicaragua.

A portrait of Hmong women in Mae Salong, Thailand
7 February 2023
Gam Shimray

Two months ago, the Land Rights Standard was launched alongside the UN Climate Change Conference (CoP27) in Egypt—a first-of-its-kind document developed over the course of three years with more than 70 Indigenous, local, and Afro-descendant groups, elegantly but firmly laying out pathways for “taking into account and respecting their distinct and differentiated rights, including their autonomy, priorities, and cosmovision,” as is stated in its preamble.

Indigenous knowledge in Colombia
16 November 2022
Maria-Clara van der Hammen
Wytske Chamberlain - van der Werf

In this blog we talk to Maria-Clara van der Hammen, who has worked with indigenous communities in Colombia for many years with Tropenbos, one of the LAND-at-scale partners in Colombia. For the moment the project is being applied with Koreguaje and Macaguaje communities in the Colombian Amazon region who live mainly from slash and burn agriculture, fishing and hunting and the commercialization in small amounts of agricultural and forest products.

29 September 2022
Lilian Lee

Indigenous and local leaders from Peru, Colombia, Ecuador, and Brazil discussed how recent global events have put more pressure on natural resources in their territories, affecting their lives and relationship with land.






Em meados dos 70, pesquisadores científicos dos institutos de pesquisa ligados ás secretarias de Estado da Agricultura, Méio Ambiente e Saúde reuniram-se no auditório do Instituto Biológico, em São Paulo, com o objetivo de fundar a sua Associação de classe. Após inúmeros encontros, em 2 de Agosto de 1977 foi criada a Associação de Pesquisadores Científicos do Estado de São Paulo (APqc), tendo como objetivos a divulgação, o fortalecimento e a defesa dos institutos públicos de pesquisa paulistas, das atividades de pesquisa e de pesquisadores científicos ativos e inativos. 

The Alianza Territorial Mapuche (PuLofMapuXawvn ) is one of the grassroots organizations based in Gulu Mapu, the Chilean side of Wallmapu. The ATM’s core mission is the full defence of the Mapuche’s inherent rights, especially concerning the protection of their territory and natural environment. ATM is similar to an NGO in the sense that the organization is not registered under Chilean law. The ATM covers different territories of the Mapuche Nation and is involved in several communities that feel they represent the spirit of the organization.

Our Mission

The Amazon Conservation Team partners with indigenous and other local communities to protect tropical forests and strengthen traditional culture.

Our Vision

We see a future where healthy tropical forests and thriving local communities exist in harmonious relationship with each other, contributing to the well-being of the planet.

The Amerindian Peoples Association (APA) is a non-governmental Indigenous Peoples organisation in Guyana. It is primarily an advocacy organisation that seeks to promote and defend the rights of the Indigenous Peoples of Guyana. 

Membership of the APA is made up of Units throughout the country, currently amounting to close to eighty such units. The Association is led by an Executive Committee comprising the President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, Assistant Secretary/Treasurer, thirteen regional representatives, a women’s representative and a youth representative. 

Anuario Antropologico

Anuário Antropológico (Anuário Antropológico)

Anuário Antropológico é uma revista semestral do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Antropologia Social da Universidade de Brasília (PPGAS/UnB). Publica artigos originais, ensaios bibliográficos, resenhas, críticas e outros textos de natureza acadêmica que apresentem pesquisas empíricas de qualidade, diálogos teóricos relevantes e perspectivas analíticas diversas. A Revista publica textos em português, inglês, espanhol ou francês.Os artigos selecionados pela comissão editorial são submetidos a pareceristas externos em regime de anonimato.

Bertha Logo

Bertha Foundation fights for a more just world. We support activists, storytellers, and lawyers who are working to bring about social and economic justice and human rights for all.

O Centro de Cultura Luiz Freire (CCLF) é uma organização não governamental de direitos humanos, que surge em 1972, a partir de um grupo que buscava a restauração da democracia, através de atividades culturais e projetos de desenvolvimento comunitário, durante o período autoritário da Ditadura Militar brasileira.

The CCDA is an organization that fights for the improvement of the living conditions of the indigenous farmers by seeking a global change in the social, economic and political spheres, and for the respect of the cultures, ethnicity, language(s), traditions and territories of these peoples.

Community Development Association (CDA) is a highly secular, non-partisan-non-Government Development Organization (NGDO) established in the year 1985-1986 in North Western Part of  Bangladesh CDA gradually has been shifted its strategic position from charity to a Right based Organization now facilitating among the poorest, landless and marginal farmers along with the plain land indigenous people (IP) including the differently able men, women &youth with a view to empower, ensure and secure access to land Rights from its inception.

Cultural Survival

Cultural Survival advocates for Indigenous Peoples' rights and supports Indigenous communities’ self-determination, cultures and political resilience since 1972.


Editora UFS (Editora UFS)

A Editora UFS, composta pelo Conselho Editorial e pela Coordenação Gráfica, tem como missão atuar na divulgação da produção cultural e científica tanto da comunidade universitária quanto da sociedade como um todo. Através do lançamento periódico de editais e da publicação de obras avulsas, esta Editora tem realizado um trabalho de divulgação de obras científicas e culturais produzidas por autores sergipanos e do restante do Brasil.


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