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Community Organizations Loma Linda University
Loma Linda University
Loma Linda University
University or Research Institution

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Core Values

The University affirms these values as central to its view of education.

COMPASSION—The sympathetic willingness to be engaged with the needs and sufferings of others. Among the most memorable depictions of compassion in Scripture is the story of the Good Samaritan, which Loma Linda University has taken as a central symbol of our work.

INTEGRITY—The quality of living a unified life in which one's convictions are well-considered and match one's actions. Integrity encompasses honesty, authenticity, and trustworthiness.

EXCELLENCE—The commitment to exceed minimum standards and expectations.

FREEDOM—The competency and privilege to make informed and accountable choices and to respect the freedom of others. God has called us not to slavery but to freedom.

JUSTICE—The commitment to equality and to treat others fairly, renouncing all forms of unfair discrimination. The God of the Bible is One who calls people continually to justice. According to the prophets, religious faith could be genuine only when it led the believers to "seek justice, rescue the oppressed, defend the orphans, [and] plead for the widow."

PURITY/SELF-CONTROL—The commitment to be morally upright and moderate in all things, with complete control over one's emotions, desires, and actions.




Displaying 1 - 2 of 2

Analysis of land fragmentation in rural areas

December, 2009

Implementing the land reform, territories of farms were quite often formed of several - up to 20 - land plots, frequently with disadvantageous borders. With reorganization of production of the farms, rural development and activities of land market, importance and tasks of rational territory organization will grow. Besides, it can be forecasted that, as a result of land rent and further buy-sell and other transactions, many new farmland properties and land uses are going to appear which might not correspond to the requirements of rational territory organization.

Forest land transformation in Latvia: resume of the PhD paper for the scientific degree of Dr.silv. in Forest Economic and Policy

December, 2007

The Promotional Paper Forest Land Transformation in Latvia by Gunta Bāra has been developed at the Forest Faculty of the Latvian University of Agriculture between 2001 and 2007. Goal of the Promotional Paper: to identify the main problems in transformation of forest land in the Republic of Latvia and gaps in legislative instruments regulating the process of change of land use type, to prepare recommendations for their elimination, to develop a methodology for calculation of compensation for the losses caused to the state as a result of destruction of natural forest environment.