Community / Land projects / Morocco - Inclusive and Sustainable Development Support Program for Agricultural Sectors (PADIDFA)
Morocco - Inclusive and Sustainable Development Support Program for Agricultural Sectors (PADIDFA)
06/18 - 12/19
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Implementing Organisations
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The Inclusive and Sustainable Development Support Programme for Agricultural Sectors (PADIDFA) is intended to sustain and consolidate the achievements of Green Morocco Plan (PMV), and launch its acceleration phase (2017-2020). It is a EUR 200 million sector budget support operation in two tranches to be executed over the 2018-2019 period to help achieve the objectives of PMV. The programme helps the authorities with the formulation and implementation of inter-sector strategic reforms to strengthen the social and environmental dimensions of the PMV and promote inclusion, sustainability and competitiveness in Morocco’s agricultural sector. Its design is informed by lessons from Phases I and II of PAPMV (cf. 4.4.3), the principles of the Paris Declaration as well as good practice principles for the application of conditionality. PADIDFA supports a series of medium- and short-term strategic reforms to improve the quality of life for the people through quality jobs and self-employment in rural areas, and the protection of such jobs through sustainable natural resource management. It is an important institutional lever for creating synergies between strategies governing agriculture, the environment, water, energy and employment.
The programme objective is to help boost agricultural sector competitiveness to ensure inclusive and sustainable economic growth through the promotion of value chains, job creation, improvement of the business climate and sustainable natural resource management. Hence, PADIDFA will help to: (i) support the PMV ecosystem and amplify its impact; (ii) promote the inclusion of vulnerable stakeholders (especially the youth and women); and (iii) build agricultural sector resilience.
Target Groups
PADIDFA will benefit the Moroccan population in general, and the youth and women in the rural areas in particular. It will specifically benefit: (i) local councils; (ii) inter-professional associations and professional organizations; (iii) agricultural VSMEs and organizations (crop sectors, waste management, etc.); (iii) the private sector (training, research, private agricultural councils, etc.); (iv) project proponents and young agricultural and rural entrepreneurs due to improvement of the business environment; and (v) women's associations and rural women (access to value chains, land tenure security, local services, etc.).