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Library Forest land transformation in Latvia: resume of the PhD paper for the scientific degree of Dr.silv. in Forest Economic and Policy

Forest land transformation in Latvia: resume of the PhD paper for the scientific degree of Dr.silv. in Forest Economic and Policy

Forest land transformation in Latvia: resume of the PhD paper for the scientific degree of Dr.silv. in Forest Economic and Policy

Resource information

Date of publication
December 2007
Resource Language
ISBN / Resource ID
61 p.

The Promotional Paper Forest Land Transformation in Latvia by Gunta Bāra has been developed at the Forest Faculty of the Latvian University of Agriculture between 2001 and 2007. Goal of the Promotional Paper: to identify the main problems in transformation of forest land in the Republic of Latvia and gaps in legislative instruments regulating the process of change of land use type, to prepare recommendations for their elimination, to develop a methodology for calculation of compensation for the losses caused to the state as a result of destruction of natural forest environment. Tasks of the Promotional Paper: (1) analysis of legislative instruments regulating forest land transformation in Latvia and in other European countries; (2) analysis of values of natural forest environment; (3) development of a methodology for calculation of compensation and losses caused by forest land transformation; (4) development of recommendations for amendments to the legislative acts of the RL. Structure of the Promotional Paper corresponds to the above mentioned tasks and includes 6 chapters: 1. Analysis of legislative instruments regulating forest land transformation in Latvia and in other European countries. The chapter includes the analysis of the currently valid forest land transformation processes, reviews legislative terminology, municipal competency, rights, obligations and liability of forest owners in connection with land transformation. It also presents an insight into historic laws and regulations of Latvia and experience of several European countries. 2. Material, period and methodology of the research. 3. Analysis of values of natural forest environment. The chapter presents a legal framework on forest and forest lands and defines what is the current forest property structure in Latvia. It includes a discussion about the values of natural forest environment and legally defined values, analyses their role and effect of their loss. 4. Development of a methodology for calculation of compensation and losses caused by forest land transformation. The chapter contains information about the generally accepted basic models of forest value calculation in the world and in Latvia. Practical examples characterise the current method for calculation of losses caused by forest land transformation and some recommendations are given how to improve it. The chapter also includes a scheme developed by the author of the paper, which is based on forest naturalness and the principle of ecological significance, representing the method for calculation of compensation and losses. 5. Recommendations for amendments to the legislative acts of the RL. A summary of recommendations for the necessary amendments to four legislative acts what would optimize them and would eliminate the existing deficiencies. 6. Conclusion. The Promotional Paper includes 106 pages; the information is summarised in 11 tables and 32 pictures; there are references to 98 sources in literature. The final part contains 5 conclusions and 6 recommendations.

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Bara, G., Latvia Univ. of Agriculture, Jelgava (Latvia). Faculty of Forestry

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