Resource information
This Act concerns the disposition of Yukon lands, i.e. a sale or lease of lands or a grant of right of way or easement with respect of those lands (sect. 1). This Act, under section 2, applies to all properties of the Yukon that are vested in Her Majesty in the right of Canada but the right to the beneficial use or to the proceeds of which is appropriated to the Government of Yukon and is subject to the control of the Legislature. The Act sets requirements for the application of disposition (sect. 8), regulates the sale and lease prices (sect. 13), provides for the right of entry (sect. 29) and for quarrying and timber permits (sect. 30).
Implemented by: Quarry Regulations (Y. O.I.C. 1983/205). (2010)
Implemented by: Lands Regulations (Y.O.I.C. 1983/192). (2012)
Implemented by: Permit Fees - Timber (Y.O.I.C. 1984/194). (1984-06-24)
Implemented by: Grazing Regulations (Y.O.I.C. 1988/171). (1988-10-17)
Implemented by: Territorial Lands (Yukon) Act (S.Y. 2003, c. 17). (2014)
Repealed by: Land Titles Act, 2015 (S.Y. 2015, c. 10). (2016)