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Library UN High-Level Political Forum Side Event- July 10 2017

UN High-Level Political Forum Side Event- July 10 2017

UN High-Level Political Forum Side Event- July 10 2017
Land Tenure Security Monitoring in the SDGs: Leaving No One Behind

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Date of publication
June 2017
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The UN-Habitat, World Bank and the Global Land Tool Network (GLTN) host of the Global Land Indicators Initiative (GLII) 1 in collaboration with Global Donor Working Group on Land (GDWGL)2 jointly hosted a side event titled Land Tenure Security Monitoring in the SDGs: Leaving no one behind at the 2 nd High-level Political Forum on Sustainable Development (HLPF).

United Nations Member States and leaders from civil society, business, UN System, specialized agencies, academia and other stakeholders have been convening in New York from 10 to 19 July 2017 for the annual High-level Political Forum (HLPF) to review progress made towards the Sustainable Development Goals. The Forum is the central UN platform for follow-up and review of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Its theme this year is “Eradicating poverty and promoting prosperity in a changing world. The HLPF was officially opened on Monday, 10 July 2017, at the UN Headquarters in New York, paving way to National Voluntary Review3 (NVR) of progress made in the implementation of SDGs and multi-stakeholder consultations on means to better deliver shared commitments and promote partnership to maximize performance and address challenges in the implementation of this global agenda.

Happening under the theme "Eradicating poverty and promoting prosperity in a changing world" the important of securing tenure rights could not be well articulated than in the side event on Land Tenure Security Monitoring in the SDGs: Leaving no one behind; which located the contribution of tenure security to achieving SDGs 1, 2, 5. SDG Land Indicator 1.4.2: Proportion of total adult population with secure tenure rights to land, with legally recognized documentation and who perceive their rights to land as secure, by sex and by type of tenure. This indicator is under SDG 1: “End poverty in all its forms everywhere”, contributing to Target 1.4: by 2030 ensure that all men and women, particularly the poor and the vulnerable, have equal rights to economic resources, as well as access to basic services, ownership, and control over land and other forms of property, inheritance, natural resources, appropriate new technology, and financial services including microfinance. UN Habitat and World Bank are custodian agencies for indicator 1.4.2.

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Authors and Publishers

Author(s), editor(s), contributor(s)

Everlyne Nairesiae, Coordinator, Global Land Indicators Initiative (GLII)

Geographical focus