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This paper presents the results of an analysis of the changes in the fragmentation and ecological stability of the floodplain forest geobiocoenoses in the Protected Landscape Area Litovelske Pomoravi, Czech Republic. Using GIS methods, it was determined that the fragmentation within the study area had increased slightly and the ecological stability of the landscape had decreased slightly between the years 1938 and 2006, although the latter remained on a fairly high level. The data reflect the anthropogenic conditionality of the floodplain forest ecosystem and show that an anthropogenically conditioned geobiocoenosis may attain a relatively high level of ecological stability, this being particularly characteristic of floodplain forest geobiocoenoses in Central Europe. The results of the study contribute to the documents that will be used in drawing up a management plan for the locality important at the European level which is a part of the Natura 2000 system.