Resource information
Estimates and projections of the agricultural population and the economically active population (or labour force) in agriculture are important for agricultural planning since, apart from indicating the size of the population depending for their living on, and engaged in agriculture, they have direct implications on agricultural employment policies. They are also needed for the determination of such important development indicators as per Capita agricultural income, labour productivity in agriculture and the proportion of population or labour force in agriculture. FAO’s work on estimates and projections covering all countries of the world forms part of a co-ordinated and interrelated prograrmme of the United Nations and the Specialized Agencies in the field of demographic estimates and projections. Under the co-ordinated plan the United Nation prepares the estimates and projections of the total population by sex, age and urban/rural residence; the ILO prepares the estimates and projections of labour force by sex and age; and the UNESCO prepares estimates and-projections of school enrolment by sex and age.