Mekong Region Land Governance | Page 3 | Land Portal


Unit 11, House No. 262

Project Description

Land governance is at the center of development challenges in Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar and Vietnam. Governments are revising land policies and practices in order to face these challenges. The project aims to (i) assist the emergence of more favorable policies and practices for securing the rights and access of family farmers to land and natural resources; and (ii) to strengthen the effectiveness of concerned stakeholders through learning, alliance building and regional cooperation.

The MLRG project is based in Laos, with local offices in three other countries: Cambodia, Myanmar, and Vietnam. It supports a wide range of activities (training, exchanges, case studies, focused research, documentation, workshops and seminars) at local, national and regional levels.

The MRLG can support initiatives through three component windows, the first is a learning and advocacy ongoing activity platform supported by National Facilitators in each country. The second two are funded through our Grant Facility open to all stakeholders based on demand and proposals prepared. A short term and immediate response window is the Quick Disbursement Fund (QDF). The second longer term and competitive proposal process is the Innovation Fund (IF). The learning and advocacy activity platform prepared on an annual basis in consultation with stakeholders to organize information collection, analysis, and dissemination, and for horizontal learning and structured learning visits, coaching and pairing, training and organizational strengthening, at the national and regional level.

Mekong Region Land Governance Resources

Displaying 11 - 15 of 108
Library Resource
Reports & Research
September, 2021
Mekong Regional Land Forum 2021: Land tenure in Mekong forest landscapes: Advancing the recognition of customary rights and responsible investment practices. Summary Report
Library Resource

Advancing the Recognition of Customary Rights and Responsible Investment Practices

Reports & Research
Conference Papers & Reports
September, 2021
Southern Asia

The Summary Report of the 3rd Mekong Regional Land Forum provides a comprehensive review of the key messages from the event including a synthesis of keynote speeches, key take-aways, the links to all presentations and additional documentation.


Library Resource
Persistence and Change in Customary Tenure Systems in Myanmar
Reports & Research
January, 2021

Based on a broad review of the existing documentation, the study describes the diversity of customary tenure systems in various regions of Myanmar; it looks at what they have in common and how they differ. It investigates the processes that affect or weaken the community jurisdiction over their lands and resources. It is intended as a resource for policymakers who are looking at recognizing and protecting the customary rights of rural communities.

Library Resource

Case study, Mekong Region Land Governance

Reports & Research
November, 2020
China, Myanmar

In the last decade, Myanmar’s Kachin State has seen a boom in tissue-culture banana plantations driven by cross-border Chinese investors. This Case Study compiles field research and publicly available knowledge about the scale of the production and its economic, social and environmental consequences. The study provides a detailed snapshot of the investment model and key actors in Kachin State, the methods of land access, landscape outcomes, and experiences of plantation workers.

Library Resource
Reports & Research
August, 2020

This Case Study looks at the implementation of the Vacant, Fallow and Virgin Lands Management Law (VFV Law) in seven villages in Sagaing Region, to assess the practices on the ground and how the law impacts the land tenure security of smallholder farmers.

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