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Map of Poland


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Land Area
30,610,000 ha
34,915.5 USD

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10 December 2018
  City representatives said they had moved beyond national climate battles and were now taking action KATOWICE, Poland - Compact pedestrian neighborhoods, urban forests and even carbon-sucking technologies must make the to-do list of more city mayors if the world is to avoid catastrophic…
05 December 2018
While climate negotiators meet behind closed doors to implement the Paris Agreement, climate activists have put out their own set of demands. On Monday, as delegates entered the maze of the COP24 conference center in Katowice, Poland, they were greeted by the upbeat sound of a Polish marching…
By: Kieran Cooke Date: October 5th 2016 Source: Middle East Eye After food costs spike, Saudis spent billions buying up farm land around the world. Who benefits exactly and can the spree continue? hey control rice farms in Ethiopia, Sudan and the Philippines, cattle ranches in California and…



United States dollar

United States dollar
ISO 4217 code
Currency Symbol
Project duration:
United States dollar


Putting into place a National Spatail Data Infrastructure, with special focus on handling of marine data

Government of Norway, Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation
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