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Displaying 1021 - 1032 of 1058

Source: NCD Alliance

Public space interventions have the potential to contribute to progress across numerous Agenda 2030 goals and targets, not only SDG11 on Sustainable Cities. Kristie Daniel explores the opportunities public spaces present for different SDGs, and summarises the case for governments and communities to prioritise investing in them.

By Liz Alden Wily and Fabrice Dubertret, Members of the LandMark Operations Team.

Do community-held lands thrive today in Europe? If so, what can communities in Asia, Africa and Latin America learn from their long experiences? This was the topic of a Practitioner Lab hosted by LandMark : the Global Platform of Indigenous and Community Lands at the XVI biennial conference of the International Association for Study of the Commons held in Utrecht on the 10th of July. A panel of four experts from Europe (Monica Vasile, Romania; Evelyn Dietsche, Germany; Rita Serra, Portugal; and Pedro Medrano, Spain) helped participants understand the realities of commons in their countries today. Pedro Medrano represented the Soria Forest Association of Spain, winner of the Elinor Ostrom Practitioner Award 2017.

By Jamal Browne


Since the adoption of the global indicator framework by the UN Statistical Commission (UNSC) back in March 2016, significant progress has been made on a set of tenure-related indicators – familiarly referred to as the ‘land indicators’ – primarily through the efforts of the Global Land Indicators Initiative (GLII).


By Luca Chinotti, Global Policy Advisor, International Land Coalition (ILC)


Without People-Centred Land Governance, governments will not be able to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). In fact, if we fail to secure and protect land rights, for those who live on and from the land, it will be impossible...

No SDGs without major progress on land

By Elisa Mandelli and Andrea Wyers, with contributions from Everlyne Nairesiae (GLII-GLTN)


An interview with CIFOR scientist Manuel Guariguata ahead of SER2017 in Brazil

By Gloria Pallares

By Dr. Jamal Browne

The successes of the Global Land Indicators Initiative (GLII) to date are worth celebrating. Today, we recognize the efforts of partners from every corner of the world, who through their perpetual optimism, have brought us many steps closer to making data collection and reporting on tenure security globally comparable.

Becky Allen, Gayle Lemmon

By Gayle Tzemach Lemmon and Becky Allen, Council on Foreign Relations (CFR)