This indicator measures the number of land holdings ('000) under one tenure form, and in particular renting land in Lao. Data comes from the Lao Census of Agriculture 2010/11, the second agricultural census undertaken in the Lao PDR. Since the first in 1998/99, the agricultural sector underwent significant changes. This Census of Agriculture was implemented by the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry - MAF (, with support from the Lao Bureau of Statistics (LSB), and collected basic information on crop and livestock production from every household in the Lao PDR. Concerning data from the 2010/11 Census, the number of households is taken from full census component, whilst the number of farm households and the number of land holdings are taken from the specific sample component. Data are available on the Laodecide platform ( Data in thousand ('000).
Number of land holdings with one tenure form - Rented
Thousand ('000)