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Community / Land projects / GIFSEP-Climate Justice AACJ Nigeria

GIFSEP-Climate Justice AACJ Nigeria


01/21 - 12/25


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Global Initiative for Food Security and Ecosystem Preservation – GIFSEP is an organization founded on the ideals of Environmental Education, Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation, Renewable Energy and sustainable development. GIFSEP, was established in recognition of the tremendous environmental challenges and the ever-increasing threats arising from the impacts of climate change. The Organization is registered with the Corporate Affairs Commission CAC/IT/NO:79115. The organizations aim is to promote environmental and agricultural sustainability and Renewable energy across communities with a view to protect the environment and combat climate change. Our founding Principle is Service to humanity, Transparency and Accountability. The structure of the organization is that which consists of two main organs: Board of Trustees and the Management. The Board is the policy making body of the organization while the Management is headed by the Executive Director (who is also a member of the Board of Trustees) who is saddled with the responsibilityof policy implementation and the general day-to-day running of the organization. The organization's thematic areas of operation include: Environment and Climate Change, Climate Smart Agriculture and Renewable Energy. Our strategy works through collaborations in building synergy and institutional capacity to sustain our programs and ensure that such programs meet the targeted beneficiaries. Our team of staff are professionals with vast knowledge and experience on climate change, Climate Smart Agriculture techniques, physical and adapted land use planning and Renewable Energy. GIFSEP works in partnership with international and local organizations and networks. GIFSEP is the African regional contact office of Citizen's Climate International and the Coordination contact point of 350 Africa in Nigeria. “Climate justice” is a term, and more than that a movement, that acknowledges climate change can have differing social, economic, public health, and other adverse impacts on underprivileged populations. Climate change impacts exacerbate inequitable social conditions. The challenges facing poor localand marginalized communities in Nigeria are multiple and complex ranging fromeconomic crises, to environmental degradation, to natural disasters, and violent conflicts, all of which are increasing poor people’s vulnerability and posing significant challenges to securing their livelihoods. Climate change exacerbates the problem further by creating an additional layer of uncertainty and risk for vulnerable communities to deal with, increasing the severity and frequency of disasters and jeopardizing development gains made to date. If drastic warning signals and/or measures are not put in place the cost of ignoring these impacts will soon become impossible to meet. Climate justice begins with recognizing key groups are differentlyaffected by climate change. There is therefore the urgent need to address these inequities head-on through long-term resilience building and adaptation strategies. To achieve this, a climate justice audit is required in assessing the degree of the social economic impact on the different categories of people within the society and helps to provide information for identifying measures to adaptto climate change impacts and build resilience. It enables practitioners and decision-makers to identify the most vulnerable areas,sectorsand social groups. In turn, this means climate change adaptation options targeted at specified contexts can be developed andimplemented. 1. Objectives  Identify policy and funding gaps, needs and opportunities in states and what the government has done in the past decade to address these needs.  To inform the development of a five-year plan with monitoring and tracking indicators Identify the vulnerability of human populations and natural systems to climate and variability in the target communities.  Provideopportunities for promoting wider resilience and adaptation to climate change. Methodology. The ClimateJustice Audit process involves a systematic and documented procedure of preparations, actual auditing and post audit. Climate Justice Audit involves 3 critical process a Pre- Audit Process, the Audit and a Post audit activity.

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