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Displaying 1225 - 1236 of 1714
20 July 2017
Land Portal Foundation and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) launch thematic portfolio on land conflicts Land conflicts displace millions of people each year, often forcing them to flee with nothing and rely on the communities willing to offer them shelter and aid.…
18 July 2017
The Caux Dialogue on Land and Security (CDLS), a partnership initiative, has called for scaling up land restoration efforts around the world to achieve land degradation neutrality by 2030. In their seven-point communiqué, CDLS participants emphasized land restoration as central to implementing the…
13 July 2017
Las tres mayores tribus de Megalaya, un punto fuerte de la biodiversidad del noreste de India, son matrilineales. Los descendientes toman el apellido de la madre, mientras que las hijas heredan las tierras de la familia. Como las mujeres son las propietarias de las tierras y siempre han decidido…
12 July 2017
"We think it's a crisis when one-in-three households - one-in-three citizens that live in cities - don't have adequate, secure or affordable housing" TEPIC, Mexico, July 12 (Thomson Reuters Foundation) - Booming cities in developing nations should upgrade slums, build on underused land and…
12 July 2017
As 2017 High Level Political Forum takes place in New York during 10-19 July 2017, ASIA takes its position to ensure that Land Rights is one of the crucial element to achieve the SDGs. Represented by fifteen indigenous peoples’ representatives from various Asian countries, including Bangladesh,…
6 July 2017
Breve Introdução Este novo Curso de Mestrado do Instituto Superior de Agronomia em Sistemas Agrários Tropicais: Produção, Sociedades e Políticas (MESAT) tem como objectivo oferecer uma formação actualizada nas questões do desenvolvimento, com enfoque na África subsaariana, através de uma abordagem…
6 July 2017
La FAO y otras agencias de la ONU advierten que la brecha de género en la agricultura supone un riesgo para la seguridad alimentaria de los hogares y el bienestar general   Lucia Magi   Eusebia Ortega Alvarato tenía menos de 30 años, dos hijos en la casa y uno en la barriga cuando su…
5 July 2017
Developing countries have been promised $100bn per year by 2020, with no sign of it arriving some are taking matters into their own hands Developing countries, tired of waiting for help from rich countries to arrive and already facing mounting climate crises, are starting their own funds to deal…
5 July 2017
Joint FAO-Arab League event hears climate change poses serious risk to water availability 4 July 2017, Rome - Arab states must continue to seek innovations to overcome water scarcity in the face of climate change, said UN Food and Agriculture Organization Director-General José Graziano da Silva…
3 July 2017
(IPS) – In Meghalaya, India’s northeastern biodiversity hotspot, all three major tribes are matrilineal. Children take the mother’s family name, while daughters inherit the family lands. Because women own land and have always decided what is grown on it and what is conserved, the state not only…
29 June 2017
21 June 2017: A policy brief by the Global Donor Working Group on Land discusses renewed global commitment to strengthen tracking of Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) indicator 1.4.2 on land tenure security. Ongoing activities include a series of expert consultations convened by the UN Human…
28 June 2017
Deadline:  14/07/2017 The Partnership Coordinator ensures the smooth functioning of the Land Matrix partnership, and is responsible for organizing, monitoring and improving project activities, under the direction of the Steering Committee. The position will be based at the University of Pretoria,…