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Displaying 817 - 828 of 1714
24 November 2019
Nos últimos 60 anos, pelo menos 40% de todos conflitos internos tiveram alguma relação com a exploração de recursos naturais. Estes produtos podem ser valiosos, como madeira, diamantes, ouro e petróleo, mas também ser recursos escassos, como água e terras férteis.   Foi para chamar atenção para a…
22 November 2019
Next week the Conference on Land Policy in Africa - Winning the Fight against Corruption in the Land Sector: Sustainable Pathway for Africa’s Transformation, will take place in Abidjan. The African Union recognises that corruption is a key factor hampering efforts at promoting governance, socio-…
19 November 2019
Nuestra estrategia se ha desarrollado para enfocarse en tres desafíos principales que creemos que afectan negativamente los sistemas de gobernanza de la tierra en todo el mundo: Datos fragmentados, incompletos y cerrados. Los datos mal administrados de fuentes locales dejan la información vital…
18 November 2019
Em todo o mundo, as comunidades estão lutando para defender suas terras, ar, água, florestas e seus meios de subsistência de projetos prejudiciais e atividades extrativistas com fortes impactos ambientais e sociais: mineração, represas, plantações de árvores, fracking, queima de gás, incineradores…
18 November 2019
O curso Igualdade de Gênero é um curso de treinamento da Agenda 2030 para o Desenvolvimento Sustentável e tem como objetivo desenvolver e fortalecer a conscientização sobre questões de igualdade de gênero e empoderamento das mulheres no contexto da Agenda 2030. Os princípios da igualdade de gênero…
15 November 2019
'People should not and do not need to be dying in heatwaves' LONDON - With urban populations surging around the world, cities will struggle to keep residents safe from fast-growing heat risks turbo-charged by climate change, scientists and public health experts warned this week. Heat is already…
15 November 2019
The Land Portal Foundation is recruiting up to two new board members to complement its existing board. The Land Portal was set up in 2009 as a partnership project dedicated to supporting the efforts of the rural poor to gain equitable access to land by addressing a fragmentation of information…
14 November 2019
In mid-November, the UN Population Fund (UNFPA) hosted a summit in Nairobi, Kenya to rally the political will and financial commitments urgently needed to implement the goals of the 1994 International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD) adopted by 179 governments in Cairo. That 1994…
13 November 2019
The effect of losing intact tropical forests is more devastating on the climate than previously thought, researchers report. A new international study reveals that between 2000 and 2013, the clearance of intact tropical forests led to much higher levels of carbon being emitted into the atmosphere…
12 November 2019
Power relationships, local knowledge and transparency in integrated landscape approaches Integrate knowledge holders. Understand power relationships and address imbalances to ensure marginalized groups are heard. Promote transparency in decisions and actions in landscape restoration work. Address…
9 November 2019
A series of leaked emails was leapt on by climate-change deniers to discredit the data, but their efforts may have only slowed the search for solutions The email that appeared on Phil Jones’s computer screen in November 2009 was succinct. “Just a quick note to encourage you to shoot yourself in…
7 November 2019
Organizaciones feministas de África, Ásia, América Latina, Europa, han unido fuerzas para fortalecer e impulsar diferentes movimientos de mujeres que trabajan por la defensa de tierra, territorios, culturas y saberes en sus diversidades.  Diferentes organizaciones de mujeres de los sectores…