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13 December 2017
Indigenous peoples and other local communities play a vital role when it comes to mitigating the impact of climate change. But despite inhabiting 50 per cent of the world’s land, these communities legally own just 10 per cent of it. As a result, civil society groups are calling on governments…
11 December 2017
PRIndex will collect data from 36 countries in 2018 to help citizens secure their rights to homes and land. After two years of rigorous testing, Land Alliance and LEGEND partner the Overseas Development Institute are expanding a first-of-its-kind global dataset and index on perceptions of property…
11 December 2017
Offered by edX, in this course, you’ll be introduced to the basics of land management. This MOOC gives you insight into basic functionalities and tasks of land management. It will help you recognize important land correlations with other fields of interest. You’ll understand contemporary global…
11 December 2017
11 December 2017 – On International Mountain Day, the United Nations food security agency has called for greater focus on sustainable agriculture in highland regions around the globe to better respond to climate change impacts and migration challenges. “Investing in sustainable agriculture in…
7 December 2017
Recent research found that 20 different “natural climate solutions” have the potential to reduce global greenhouse gas emissions by as much as 23.8 billion metric tons every year — and that nearly half of that potential, or some 11.3 billion metric tons of emissions, represent what the study’s…
7 December 2017
Date: 5 décembre 2017 Source: Agence Ecofin Le panel de la société civile (panel OSC) de la Convention des Nations Unies sur la lutte contre la désertification (CNULCD) vient de lancer un site internet destiné à améliorer la lutte contre la désertification et, par conséquent, renforcer la…
5 December 2017
NAIROBI: In a major global action against climate change, two UN environmental organisations on Monday signed a pact on increased cooperation and also for mobilisation of private finance and investment for climate action that is crucial for achieving the 2015 Paris Climate Agreement goals. The…
4 December 2017
Small island state leaders at U.N. climate talks have spoken consistently of loss of life and property caused by powerful storms BONN, Germany, Nov 17 (Thomson Reuters Foundation) - From Fiji to St. Lucia, small island nations have taken every opportunity to flag the growing risks of climate…
22 November 2017
Date : 17 novembre 2017 Source : Foncier & Développement Arrivé au terme de la première phase d’un chantier de travail sur les communs, concrétisée par la parution de l’ouvrage « Opportunités et défis d’une approche par les communs de la terre et des ressources qu’elle porte » (à lire ici), le…
17 November 2017
Rodrigo Castañeda, jefe de la Unidad de Alianzas de la FAO, Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura, en una charla coloquio en el Campus EOI Madrid, en la que ha abordado los grandes retos globales a los que se enfrenta la Organización de las Naciones Unidas para…
16 November 2017
Traditional farming strategies could protect humanity against global warming and prevent deadly wildfires. Yet scientists seem determined to ignore them Prejudice against indigenous people is visible and ingrained in cultures everywhere, from US football team names (the Washington Redskins for…
14 November 2017
SPECIAL RAPPORTEUR on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples for the United Nations (UN) Victoria Tauli-Corpuz discussed indigenous peoples’ (IPs) rights in line with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) on October 25 at Leong Hall. Tauli-Corpuz’s talk emphasized upholding the rights of indigenous…