Comprendre les inégalités femmes-hommes dans un secteur donné et concevoir des programmes soucieux d’y remédier est essentiel à la réussite des projets de développement international. Alors que l’on célèbre demain, vendredi 15 octobre, la Journée internationale de la femme rurale, Ellen Hagerman,…
Submission Deadline: All manuscripts should be submitted for consideration by December 31, 2021.
The global environmental crisis is intertwined with the crisis of social and economic inequality. From coal plants to palm oil plantations, economic activities that threaten the planet are concentrated…
What is the role of land law in natural disasters? Are current global systems of land law fit-for-purpose as we experience escalating rates of climate disruption?
Daniel Fitzpatrick and Caroline Compton consider these questions in their recent book on Law, Property and Disasters : Adaptive…
Blog originalmente publicado no IGTNews No. 30
Ao mesmo tempo em que se comemora a pujança do agronegócio, nos últimos 20 anos a economia brasileira tem se desindustrializado progressivamente [1] e caiu da 24ª para a 49ª posição no índice de complexidade econômica (ECI) [2]. Esta tendência…
Près de la moitié de la population mondiale vit dans les zones rurales des pays à revenu faible ou intermédiaire. La sécurité foncière – à savoir le droit d’accéder aux terres et aux ressources naturelles, comme les forêts, les zones de pâturage communal, les zones de pêche et d’autres ressources…
As part of the launch of the Responsible Land-Based Investment Navigator 2.0, the Land Portal spoke with Nathaniah Jacobs, Senior Researcher at the International Institute for Environment and Development, to hear more about the Advancing Land-based Investment Governance (ALIGN) project. The…
Hit hard by the pandemic, Asia's indigenous and local communities face fresh government-led efforts to exploit their land and resources
In addition to its devastating toll on public health, COVID-19 has exacerbated global food insecurity and economic crises. These costs have been particularly…
Corruption is the abuse of entrusted power for private gain, and corrupt practices in the context of land administration and land management have come to be known as ‘land corruption.’ Unfortunately, land corruption is all too common, with one in every five people across the globe paying bribes to…
Francisco Carranza, Joan Mwangi, mariapaola rizzo, Francesca Romano
For centuries, people around the world in the continents of Asia, Africa, Oceania and Latin America have been living off the forests and other natural resources to sustain their livelihoods, their cultural practices and sometimes even religious rituals. This “normality” continued even after the…
Earlier in the year Prindex – the first ever global measure of land and property rights – released its full 140-country dataset. The results are sobering. Almost 1 billion people around the world feel it is likely or very likely that they will lose their land or home within the next five years.
Escrito por L. Vatolina
A Palestina é um país agrário. É fraco seu desenvolvimento industrial. Aproximadamente 67% de sua população (1.912.000 habitantes, dos quais 1.143.000 Árabes e 600.000 Judeus)(1) ocupam-se na agricultura. Entretanto, a superfície de suas terras de cultura é muito restrita…
The global conservation community now faces the added challenge of Covid-19 on top of a longstanding set of complex conservation, sustainability, and development challenges. In the wake of this pandemic, return to business as usual is not a viable option. The existing systems and structures upon…