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Countries Malawi related Blog post


Displaying 13 - 24 of 26
20 October 2022
Dr. Rick de Satge
Cet article de blog fait partie de la série  Quoi lire. En tant que chercheur compilant les portefeuilles de pays africains pour le Land Portal, j'ai été frappé par le creusement des inégalités, tant au sein des pays du Sud qu'entre le Sud et le Nord. Les liens entre l'exploitation minière, la…
20 October 2022
Dr. Rick de Satge
Este blog faz parte da série What to Read (O que ler). Como pesquisador que compila os perfis de países africanos para o Land Portal, fiquei impressionado com o aumento das desigualdades, tanto dentro dos países do Sul global quanto entre o Sul e o Norte. As ligações entre mineração, captura de…
20 October 2022
Dr. Rick de Satge
Este blog faz parte da série What to Read (O que ler). Como pesquisador que compila os perfis de países africanos para o Land Portal, fiquei impressionado com o aumento das desigualdades, tanto dentro dos países do Sul global quanto entre o Sul e o Norte. As ligações entre mineração, captura de…
20 October 2022
Dr. Rick de Satge
Este blog faz parte da série What to Read (O que ler). Como pesquisador que compila os perfis de países africanos para o Land Portal, fiquei impressionado com o aumento das desigualdades, tanto dentro dos países do Sul global quanto entre o Sul e o Norte. As ligações entre mineração, captura de…
20 October 2022
Dr. Rick de Satge
Este blog faz parte da série What to Read (O que ler). Como pesquisador que compila os perfis de países africanos para o Land Portal, fiquei impressionado com o aumento das desigualdades, tanto dentro dos países do Sul global quanto entre o Sul e o Norte. As ligações entre mineração, captura de…
20 October 2022
Rick de Satge
Cet article de blog fait partie de la série  Quoi lire. En tant que chercheur compilant les portefeuilles de pays africains pour le Land Portal, j'ai été frappé par le creusement des inégalités, tant au sein des pays du Sud qu'entre le Sud et le Nord. Les liens entre l'exploitation minière, la…
8 March 2022
Sarah Lowery, Corinne Hart
In many countries men control who gets to use, own, and make decisions about land.   “We used to stay in a corner, quiet. If someone came to take our land or exploit our forests, we did not have the courage to try to stop them.” These words from a woman in Mecoburi, Mozambique reflect how women…
3 May 2021
Prof. Cheryl Doss, Dr. Vanya Slavchevska
Advancing women’s land rights is a priority for the international development agenda. Yet, there is no consensus on which rights should be monitored and reported. Three indicators of women’s property rights are widely used in the literature. Each captures a different aspect of women’s land rights,…
26 April 2021
Chloe Christman
  For many years Oxfam has joined allies around the world to raise the alarm on how land acquisitions by governments and companies - for the production of commodities including sugar, palm oil, and soy used in consumer food and beverage products - drive communities, women, and smallholder farmers…
18 July 2019
Mr. Liam Wren-Lewis
The distribution of land in Malawi is highly unequal and frequently inefficient. Large areas of land are underutilised in a context where many Malawian farmers would be able to put such land to productive use. In this context, the Malawian government has been slow and ineffective in undertaking…
12 July 2019
Mina Manuchehri
Our sugar is made from sugarcane. And sugarcane is not planted in trees or in the air, it’s planted in the ground, in the soil, on land. It’s the bedrock of our investment. —Illovo Land Champion As the above quote illustrates, land has always been an essential element of business for Illovo Sugar…
2 July 2019
Mina Manuchehri
In recent years, numerous companies have made commitments to better recognize and respect land rights throughout their supply chains. Although making such commitments is a critical first step towards achieving more responsible investments, many companies still struggle with how to practically…