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Countries Western Africa related Blog post

Western Africa

Displaying 1 - 12 of 40
14 December 2023
James Twumasi Appiah
Ensuring secure land tenure is crucial for improving land development, as both local and foreign investors often hesitate to engage in land transactions when there is uncertainty about ownership rights. The term "Land Tenure Insecurity" refers to the apprehension that someone else might claim…
14 December 2023
James Twumasi Appiah
La garantie d'un régime foncier sûr est essentielle pour améliorer l'aménagement du territoire, car les investisseurs locaux et étrangers hésitent souvent à s'engager dans des transactions foncières en cas d'incertitude sur les droits de propriété. Le terme "insécurité du régime foncier" fait…
8 March 2023
Anne Hennings
Over the past decade, the gender gap in land rights and therewith the importance of women’s tenure security has gained increasing awareness and momentum in many parts of the world. Despite numerous measures to support gender equality in land rights,  rural and urban women continue to face numerous …
8 March 2023
Anne Hennings
Au cours de la dernière décennie, l'écart entre les hommes et les femmes en matière de droits fonciers et, par conséquent, l'importance de la sécurité d'occupation des femmes ont fait l'objet d'une prise de conscience et d'un élan croissants dans de nombreuses régions du monde. Malgré de nombreuses…
8 March 2023
Anne Hennings
Durante la última década, la brecha de género en los derechos sobre la tierra y, con ello, la importancia de la seguridad de la tenencia de la tierra por parte de las mujeres ha cobrado cada vez más conciencia e impulso en muchas partes del mundo. A pesar de las numerosas medidas de apoyo a la…
8 March 2023
Anne Hennings
Durante a última década, a diferença entre os sexos em matéria de direitos à terra e, portanto, a importância da segurança da posse das mulheres, aumentou em muitas partes do mundo. Apesar das numerosas medidas para apoiar a igualdade de gênero nos direitos à terra, as mulheres rurais e urbanas…
8 September 2022
Senegal has the particularity of being the westernmost point of the African continent, which is located at the tip of Almadies in Dakar, the country's capital. With an area of 196,722 km2 , Senegal is bordered by the Atlantic Ocean to the west, Mauritania to the north and Guinea and Guinea-Bissau…
20 September 2021
Joy Imbuye
    In sub-Saharan Africa, less than 13 percent of women aged 20-49 have rights to land, according to research by the World Bank. Therefore, securing their land rights remains a very crucial matter to boost their socio-economic empowerment.    Most former French colonies in Africa gained…
30 July 2021
Daniel Myers
Addressing the land and conservation communities’ discomfort in discussing the relationships between migrants, Indigenous peoples, and tropical forests in the fight against climate change. The global conversation around land tenure is increasingly centered on two imperatives. The first is the…
4 August 2020
Catherine-Lune Grayson
From Mali to Iraq, people in conflict zones are proving especially vulnerable to climate extremes An estimated 100,000 people died and livestock were decimated when a long drought hit West Africa in the 1970s. Isa, a 61-year-old community leader from northern Mali, recalled: “At that time, we…
23 April 2020
Source: Par: Ibrahima Arona DIALLO, Professeur de droit public, Coordonnateur du Réseau d’excellence sur la Gouvernance foncière en Afrique de l’Ouest et  Expert foncier international et membre associé à l’Ipar. Date: 13/04/2020   La gestion très originale de la crise engendrée…
12 March 2020
Date : 09 Mars 2020 Source: Qu’on appelle cela problème foncier ou dépossession foncière, c’est toujours une situation délicate qui provoque des troubles, sinon des drames humains. Les environs de Bamako, anciens villages devenus des quartiers populeux, en sont devenus des théâtres plus…