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Countries Palestine related News


Displaying 13 - 22 of 22
18 March 2019
GENEVA, March 18 (Reuters) - Israel is depriving millions of Palestinians of access to a regular supply of clean water while stripping their land of minerals “in an apparent act of pillage”, a United Nations human rights investigator said on Monday. Michael Lynk, U.N. special rapporteur on human…
19 December 2018
After a successful first Arab Land Conference, the Call to host the Second Arab Land Conference is now open! The first Arab Land Conference Hosted by the Emirate of Dubai, UAE, the First Arab Land Conference took place on the 26-28 February 2018 and was co-organised by the Dubai Land Department,…
15 September 2017
HEBRON, Israel — Israeli Defense Minister Avigdor Liberman granted Aug. 29 hundreds of Jewish settlers in settlements in the Old City of Hebron independence from the city’s municipality affiliated with the Palestinian Authority (PA). His decision raised Palestinian public and official ire due to…
21 August 2017
The legislation retroactively authorizes some 4,000 illegal settlers homes built on private Palestinian property while financially compensation the Palestinian land owners. The Settlements Regulation Law which seizes private Palestinian property meets both Israeli and international legal…
14 February 2017
Jerusalém, 14 fev (EFE).- A advocacia do Estado de Israel pediu pela primeira vez ao Supremo Tribunal do país que não derrube estruturas em uma colônia na Cisjordânia sobre terras privadas palestinas sob amparo da nova e polêmica Lei de Regularização de Assentamentos, informou nesta terça-feira a…
By: JTA Date: January 19th 2016 Source: JERUSALEM — Human Rights Watch said businesses should stop operating in West Bank Jewish settlements because they violate Palestinian rights. In a 162-page report released Tuesday titled “Occupation, Inc.: How Settlement Businesses Contribute…
Date: 02 février 2016 Source: i24news Cisjordanie: les achats de terres falsifiés par un groupe israélien L’armée israélienne a détruit mardi une douzaine de bâtiments construits dans une zone militaire au sud de Hébron en Cisjordanie. Des familles palestiniennes se sont ainsi retrouvées…
Date: 10 mars 2016 Source: TV5 Par AFP Une coalition internationale d'ONG a réclamé jeudi à Airbnb de ne plus proposer sur son site des locations de logements situés dans les colonies israéliennes de Cisjordanie occupée, illégales au regard du droit international. A Paris, une dizaine de…
Foto: Tomada de posse do XXI Governo de Portugal  Em: SIC Notícias MUNDO Fonte: Lusa 16:25 19.03.2016   Governo português lamenta apropriação de terras por Israel na Cisjordânia O Governo português lamentou este sábado a decisão das autoridades israelitas de expropriar 234 hectares de terra…
Date: 17 mai 2016 Source: ISM Par Maan News Ce matin, l'armée israélienne a démoli deux maisons dans le quartier al-Suwwana de Jérusalem Est occupée, près du mur oriental de la Vieille Ville, laissant 23 Palestiniens sans abri. Les maisons, qui appartenaient aux familles Tutanji et Ghanim,…