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Countries South Africa related Blog post

South Africa

Displaying 85 - 96 of 106
31 May 2021
Escrito por Matthew Maganga | Traduzido por Camilla Sbeghen   A África do Sul é um país dinâmico e em constante evolução - que nos últimos anos viu o surgimento de marcos que alcançaram reconhecimento global. Na Cidade do Cabo, há a exclusiva fachada do Zeitz Museum of Contemporary Art Africa do…
20 January 2021
Yuliya Panfil, Ms. Ailey Kaiser Hughes, Stephanie Sampson
Land technology is moving at warp speed. How will the Biden administration and Samantha Power ensure women benefit? Today Joe Biden is inaugurated as the 46th president of the United States. The change of administration will bring radical shifts in the United States’ foreign and domestic policy and…
20 November 2020
Ms. Laura Meggiolaro, Dr. Mark Napier
Twenty six years after South Africa’s first democratic election, land issues remain a point of contention, from land reforms to expropriation without compensation. Given the primacy of this issue in South Africa, it begs the question of what is the state of land information in South Africa? Do…
17 September 2020
Por Hermenegildo Langa Em África, muitas preocupações em torno da exploração de terra são semelhantes, sobretudo a necessidade de evitar conflitos assegurando a posse segura pelas comunidades. O Ruanda é um dos exemplos a seguir, mas há outras experiências, boas e más, sobre as quais vale a pena…
17 June 2020
Por Abahlali baseMjondolo* Tradução: Ítalo Piva   No capitalismo racial imposto pelo colonialismo, os detentores do poder monopolizaram seu controle sobre a terra Havia um grave problema de fome na África do Sul antes do isolamento da covid-19, resultado da longa história de despossessão colonial,…
3 March 2020
Konrad Hentze, Dr. Mark Napier,, AngelaRosenfeldt
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5 February 2020
Dr. Marc Wegerif
The Parliament of South Africa has agreed to amend the Constitution of the country in order to make it explicit that it is possible to expropriate land without paying compensation in order to further land reforms. The supporters of this move - the ruling  African National Congress (ANC) and the…
29 January 2020
olajide ogunnaike, Dr. Mark Napier, Elvis Dumba, Stacey Zammit
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8 January 2020
Dr. Mark Napier, olajide ogunnaike, Mrs. Engela Petzer
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22 November 2019
Dr. Marc Wegerif
Next week the Conference on Land Policy in Africa - Winning the Fight against Corruption in the Land Sector: Sustainable Pathway for Africa’s Transformation, will take place in Abidjan. The African Union recognises that corruption is a key factor hampering efforts at promoting governance, socio-…
12 July 2019
Mina Manuchehri
Our sugar is made from sugarcane. And sugarcane is not planted in trees or in the air, it’s planted in the ground, in the soil, on land. It’s the bedrock of our investment. —Illovo Land Champion As the above quote illustrates, land has always been an essential element of business for Illovo Sugar…
13 May 2019
Por Vijay Prashad* Quando o falecido artista sul-africano Tito Zungu quis retratar o mundo do trabalhador migrante, ele escolheu um envelope. Era por meio de cartas esporádicas que o migrante poderia ficar em contato com a família – cartas ditadas a escritores profissionais de um lugar eram lidas…