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Land Degradation & Tenure
COVID-19 related content

Displaying 13 - 22 of 22

Land Rights, Biodiversity and Global Health: How Can Indigenous People Help Prevent Future Pandemics?

20 May 2021

The Ford Foundation, the Land Portal Foundation, the Tenure Facility and the Thomson Reuters Foundation launched a webinar on May 20th on the the link between “environmental imbalances” and “emerging infectious diseases".

Land Portal Foundation
Thomson Reuters Foundation
The Tenure Facility
Ford Foundation

Intensive farming ‘heightens pandemic risk’

06 August 2020

Intensive farming makes future pandemics such as Covid-19 more likely as wild animals carrying diseases known to infect humans are forced into increasingly close contact with us, a research report showed on Wednesday.

Writing in the journal Nature, a team of researchers from University College London (UCL) warned that animal pathogens are increasingly likely to make the leap to humans as land-use changes benefit animal hosts.

The UN estimates that three-quarters of land on Earth has been severely degraded by human activity since the start of the industrial era.


10 November 2020

NOUS, représentants de gouvernement, agences intergouvernementales, centres de recherche, organisations de la société civiles et experts fonciers, réunis à l’occasion du Forum foncier Afrique virtuel organisé par la Coalition Internationale pour l’Accès à la Terre (ILC Afrique) en collaboration avec la Commission de l’Union Africaine et l’Autorité Intergouvernementale pour le Développement (IGAD) sur le thème : réaliser l’agenda 2063 en promouvant la gouvernance foncière centrée sur les personnes en Afrique

People Centered Land Governance: Unlocking Opportunities for Agenda 2063

04 November 2020
We, the representatives of governments, intergovernmental bodies, think tanks and research bodies, civil society networks, and land experts gathered online for the 2020 Africa Land Forum, organized by the International Land Coalition-Africa (ILC Africa) in collaboration with the African Union Commission (AUC) and The Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) on the theme: Delivering on the African Union Agenda 2063 by Promoting People-Centered Land Governance in Africa:

Recognizing that land is a valuable resource for secured livelihoods in Africa, an identity, citi

Indonesian officials linked to mining and ‘dirty energy’ firms benefiting from deregulation law

26 November 2020
  • Top Indonesian ministers who pushed for the passage of a deregulation bill that benefits the mining and “dirty energy” industry have links to some of those very companies, a new report shows.
  • The report by a coalition of NGOs highlights “massive potential for conflicts of interest” in the drafting and passage of the so-called omnibus bill on job creation.
  • Under the new law, coal companies can qualify for an exemption from paying royalties, as well as be absolved of criminal and financial sanctions for mining in forest areas.
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