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Issues agriculture related News
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18 December 2023
A project of the German Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development, co-funded by the EU and implemented through the Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH has been striving to ensure that investments in land are productive, contribute to sustainable land management
25 May 2023
"Nos están dando un trato preferencial", admitió Boris Titov, jefe del Comité Empresarial Cubano-Ruso, en la apertura de un foro de empresarios rusos en La Habana
20 April 2023
17 February 2023
It is proposed in Uzbekistan to develop a draft law “On pastures” in a new edition and the procedure for granting pasture land plots for rent.
17 February 2023
A hazy Cambodian government land zoning and titling initiative known as Sub-Decree 30 has made life problemativ for indigenous community
3 February 2023
The article tells how the farmers in Chinyika, Gutu District, heavily affected by droughts, came up with a way to improve soil fertility by herding together their cattle. The collective action to address a problem that affects them all stands out in this story.
3 February 2023
Authorities have apparently confiscated vast swathes of land from the unpopular brother of Kazakhstan’s first president, with the ruling Amanat party keen to take the credit as parliamentary elections loom.
3 February 2023
 In his story, Soilless Farming to the Rescue. How to Boost Agriculture Without Hurting Forests, published by the Foundation for Investigative Journalism, Abdullah Tijani tells how Adebowale Onafowora, a Nigerian agricultural entrepreneur, embraced hydroponics as an alternative to traditional
30 December 2022
Excessive use of chemical fertilizers is causing soil health degradation in Bangladesh, putting the country’s food security at risk
30 December 2022
Sri Lanka’s agriculture authorities are planning to grab 14,000 acres of paddy
6 December 2022
Nearly 70% of the areas which are open natural ecosystems in India overlap with those which the government calls wastelands.

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