LandNet East Africa: a Strategic View
Contains objectives of LandNet, different approaches, thematic issues, the value-added of sub-regional coordination, measuring impact, sustainability of LandNet, work plan.
Contains objectives of LandNet, different approaches, thematic issues, the value-added of sub-regional coordination, measuring impact, sustainability of LandNet, work plan.
Includes objectives, programme, welcome message, official opening, hopes and fears, introduction to LandNet, presentations, group work on land rights, redistribution, decentralisation, and the role of civil society, key issues, closing. The workshop endeavoured to publicise the findings of grassroots consultations on land carried out by LandNet members in order that these be incorporated into the forthcoming National Land Policy and the PRSP. Among the issues raised were insecurity and inequitable distribution and the ways in which land disputes are currently handled.
A toolkit of 26 items designed for people designing or improving community-based paralegal programmes. It draws lessons from both grassroots experience and research. Includes
Includes executive summary; the land issue – International and regional perspectives; Oxfam and land issues on the Copperbelt; land issues in Zambia; land policy review process; genesis of the 1995 Lands Act; Constitutional Review process; challenges for the future; conclusion.
Contains the background to the National Land Policy workshops in Rwanda and Malawi in October and November 2000, and discusses civil society involvement prior to, during and after the workshops. Draws comparisons between the two countries and mentions the role of international NGOs.
A short paper providing background to the establishment of land alliances in East Africa in the 1990s. Includes introduction describing key factors which made possible the creation of land alliances, Tanzania, Uganda, Kenya, concluding thoughts – privatisation has offered very rich pickings for the rich in recent years.
List of NGOs and other organisations engaged in land issues in Southern and Eastern Africa.
Includes assets, inequalities and the gender-asset gap; overview of the GAAP conceptual framework; gender, assets and agricultural development interventions; summary and implications. Discusses implications of gender differences for designing agricultural development interventions to increase asset growth. Identifies additional gaps in knowledge and possible investigations to address them.
Pamphlet drawn from the (above) Handbook. Practical tips and step-by-step instructions can help companies to successfully negotiate lease agreements with landowning communities. They can help communities prepare for the changes that come with high impact projects and more effectively harness their benefits and also provide the government with a tool that can be used to promote responsible investment.
Includes setting the scene in South Sudan, key concepts and guiding principles, pre-investment planning, community consultation, participatory impact assessments, participatory monitoring, grievance mechanisms, community financial management, sample of community protocol.
Contains the common goal, delivery challenges, five stories and takeaways, larger lessons.
The tool presented in this guide aims to assist policy-makers and land administrators to adopt appropriate technologies and methodologies for land administration services more efficiently, cost effectively and with options most appropriately tailored to national and sub-national contexts. It was developed after recognizing the need to modernize the budgetary approach to land agencies and to provide effective, cost-efficient, affordable and sustainable services, particularly in developing countries.