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Issues extractive industries related News
Displaying 13 - 24 of 276
23 May 2022
Pristine parts of northern Kachin State are under threat as demand grows for high-tech devices that rely on rare earth. Main photo: The leaching ponds at a rare earth mining site in Kachin State, where toxic chemicals are applied to dissolve the metals. (PHOTO: Maran) Kachin State’s Chipwi
6 May 2022
Amid Mongolia’s mining boom, cultural sites such as ovoos (cairns) need special protection.
20 April 2022
Critics of the Indonesian government’s plan to build a new capital city in the coal-mining heartland of East Kalimantan province have long warned about the abandoned mining pits dotting the landscape. The government has now acknowledged that these will be a problem: it says it has identified 2,415
15 April 2022
Critics of a government plantation scheme have slammed the program following revelations that only a fraction of forest reserves cleared for plantations over the past decade have actually been replanted. An investigation by environmental news site Macaranga found that only 5% of the 77,331 hectares
29 March 2022
International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED)  and the Land Portal are launching a new blog series on the governance of land-based investments in the Global South. The series will explore practical strategies and approaches adopted by rights defenders and others to address common
4 March 2022
Ecuador has elevated nature as a legal subject in its constitution - and still allows harmful copper mining. A young woman learns to fight back   
1 March 2022
(AFP) El gobierno hondureño de Xiomara Castro declaró al país "libre de minería a cielo abierto" y anunció la "cancelación" de las licencias, permisos y concesiones, hecho celebrado por ambientalistas y que pone en jaque a la industria.   "Se declara todo el territorio hondureño libre de minería a
11 February 2022
With over 1000 licenses issued across the country, a diverse range of mineral extraction operations are transforming Mongolia’s rural cultural landscape. The Gobi region is crowded with both mega mines and smaller-scale operations. The Gobi also has excellent conditions for renewable energy and is
10 February 2022
The Indonesian government has rejected a proposal made by a prominent university to reclassify oil palms as a forest crop. The proposal was ostensibly meant to resolve the problem of illegal plantations operating inside forest areas, and would have redefined plantations as forests, and new
16 December 2021
After adapting to challenges of COVID-19, 2021 turned into a very busy and exciting year for the global WOLTS team.
4 December 2021
The native Kichwa community santa Rosillo de Yanayacu (Peru) has been threatened by groups of illegal loggers, who deforest the community's forest sowing threats and violence.

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